
Hey! Please can I ask a huge favour of everyone who has read and enjoyed Lost in the Shadows...
          	Please could you follow the below link and leave me a review? I have self published on Amazon!


Will u be doing another lost boys book with all the boys and there mate??


Awe I hope everything is ok and going amazing for u and I totally understand, u have a life outside this app and hell yeah I more then enjoyed your lost boys book  I freaking loved it and I hope when u do find the time to make the book with them all four sharing a mate I’ll be here☺️ and thanks for responding back to me love


@kh0611 I had planned to write an origin story from each of the boys perspectives, but life just got in the way... maybe I can try and find the time if you enjoyed this one?


Hey! Please can I ask a huge favour of everyone who has read and enjoyed Lost in the Shadows...
          Please could you follow the below link and leave me a review? I have self published on Amazon!


Hey honey   so I'm now reading another version of Eutopia and I gotta say I'm hooked.   I love ❤️ dystopia.    
          A tad confused though! 
          At first I was thinking this was a different meeting between Jinn and Eutopia which suits me cos that could be FAB.  Especially because they say the same 7 people are always in your life!!!
          But now I'm not so sure xxxx


 Ahhh sorry!!! I have Eutopia the first version, which is complete, and Eutopia part 2. This is a continuation from the first story, so  things have moved on with Eutopia, she's been caught by the police for the murder she apparently committed in the first story, and the flashbacks with her past life Eirene are still continuing because I need to explain how Eirene died and Jinn failed her the first time. I also have another version I started, putting Eutopia and Jinn into a post apocalyptic world as I was just playing with the setting, but I don't think I will finish that one. At the moment I'm trying to finish my Lost Boys fan fiction, but as soon as that's done I'll be back on Eutopia part 2! Hope that helps!? Thanks for reading, I love that you love it!! Xx


So... new obsession.. Sorry to say I'm leaving Jinn and Eutopia for the moment, to write my first ever fan-fiction piece! I definitely have love for you if you were born in the 80's. Hopefully, you'll love the Lost Boys just as much as me :-)
          Check out the first part of my new story... Lost in the Shadows.