
@YouDontKnowMe17 no cuz I have the other account working again this is mainly a back up 


@Writingaboutyou cuz I stayed up till midnight or later and slept till eleven and now my body is readjusting back to going to sleep at 10:30 and waking up at six. I totally get the fact u don't want to date her why would she even lie in the first place? Why would it be awkward between the guy and u? Um well the guy I like is really complicated and is sending me mixed signals. While there is a girl I like doesn't know I exist or thinks I'm a creepy stalker and then has a girlfriend to top it off


@NoMoreSociety Just this girl I was looking forward to dating but then her mom tells me she's been lying to me about her and she's like 3 years younger than me so shes like 11 -_- and I'm like wow and don't want to date her  anymore because she's just a kid after all. And the guy I likes me back but we can't do anything because it would be akward in church so yeah lol.How's your's and why is it hard to adjust? 


@UnderDiamondStrlight oh goodness one of my friends hates how familiar I am with it she always is telling me to shut up when I bring it up XD she really was completely awesome and fit for that part. She's funny and compassionate and she helped the doctor through so much she really has been the best companion. I just finished season four on Netflix and am probably going to stay up half the night watching season five >.< I have an unhealthy addiction to doctor who


@UnderDiamondStrlight Catherine Tate was awesome! She was so sassy and u could see that she loved the doctor just in the way a brother loves a sister. I keep remembering the second episode where she just pulls out all those suit cases and then they go on that mate rant where at the end she goes listen here mister you are not mating with me and the doctor stares at her but then goes okay in like the happiest of tones. I'm crying a little now. Matt smith is adorable when the change happened and it was him I was like aweeee he's so cute!  Thank u so much for bragging (about the exam thing)