
@midnightglitters9 hy krystal,
          Thanku for writing such a amazing book , i really  really love  "vacant soul"  it's awesome, i hope you will write more books like this one. I'm waiting for you to complete the other two books so that i can read all of the books together. 
          And last but not the least you don't have to thank me for following you ,
          THANK YOU for writing
          THANK YOU for being this humble
                 ❤THANK YOU for exiting ❤
          Keep fighting ,I'm cheering for you
          Love you sis❤


Thank you for adding my book into ur reading list sweetie...can you read my another book too !? Its a taekook story tho "Love juncture" hope you like it and read it ! Have a great day ♥


@NoahArnold2 awweee thank you ♥


@AlphineGray16 Thank you author for the amazing work ,
            I love both of them, please write more books, Have a great day 
            I purple you