
I'm really sorry for keeping you guys waiting so long for a new chapter of "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" :( However, a new chapter is up if you're down to read what happens next! x


Happy New Years everyone! This is your year! Please don’t be that idiot who takes away someone’s everything (child, mom, wife, husband, etc.) because of drunk driving. Please be safe and treat each other with kindness. x


Hey y’all! I know that some of you have been waiting for me to post more chapters for “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” and I have to apologize for that. I’ve been really busy and cleaned out my house. I’m now looking for where I had put the story and I can’t seem to find it. I’m searching everywhere and I pray I didn’t throw it away  if I can’t find it, then I’m sorry but I’ll have to delete the story. I’m sorry for leading y’all on for so long. I’ll try and continue to look for where I had misplaced it. Like I said, if I can’t find it I’m sorry


Hey y'all! It's almost the end of my senior year and I'm so stoked! I'm so excited for all of the senior activities and for graduation! The next chapter of my life will start once I get my high school diploma! I'm so excited! x


Hey you guys! I'm sorry that I haven't been on in a while! I've been pretty busy with school and the holidays coming up. I promise I'll be posting more to the story "The Blossom Of Betrayal"! But if you haven't read my first story "In Repair" go ahead and read it now! Please share my story with others - it'll mean a lot! Anyways, that's all I've got for right now lol I hope you enjoy my new story! 
          -Noel x