
!Spoilers For Season 2 of The Owl House!
          	While I was watching Ep. 9 Season 2: Eclipse Lake, I found something I really think is adorable.
          	As we all know, Amity’s family has the nickname “Mittens” for her. You can see Emira and Edric use it in Season 1, and her mom uses it in Season 2. 
          	However, during Eclipse Lake, you can hear Eda call Amity “Boots”. I think that is just an adorable parallel. Mittens and Boots. It’s cute.
          	I’m sorry if someone has pointed this out before me and I just never saw it. If someone originally stayed this before me, tell me and I’ll credit them!


!Spoilers For Season 2 of The Owl House!
          While I was watching Ep. 9 Season 2: Eclipse Lake, I found something I really think is adorable.
          As we all know, Amity’s family has the nickname “Mittens” for her. You can see Emira and Edric use it in Season 1, and her mom uses it in Season 2. 
          However, during Eclipse Lake, you can hear Eda call Amity “Boots”. I think that is just an adorable parallel. Mittens and Boots. It’s cute.
          I’m sorry if someone has pointed this out before me and I just never saw it. If someone originally stayed this before me, tell me and I’ll credit them!


Imagine all the sides going to Janus' room for a video and something and Janus has the ability to choose if they can lie or not so this is what happens (to the light sides) when Janus makes them tell the truth:
          Patton- breaks down into uncontrolled sobbing and can't stop cause he's repressed his bad emotions for so long they all immediately flow out
          Roman- every other sentence he says has to do with his insecurities and he's like "oh yeah that's ok but then again who would like me I'm always a disappointment I'll never be perfect"
          Logan- can no longer hide his anger and other emotions and lashes out on everyone the second they say something he thinks is stupid
          Virgil- accidentally confesses like his entire backstory and his "actual name" if what Janus says about him lying about his name is true and also just screams out things to be terrified of right then and in the future or anything like that
          Thomas I think would be a different story. I'm not exactly sure how he'd act but from what we've seen the rooms do affect him in some way -the happiness burst in Patton's room and the heightened anxiety in Virgil's room, although I think that may have only been caused by the sides getting heightened anxiety- I'd appreciate your thoughts on this and any other sides or if I might have missed something!


            Remus- the exact same as usual, but lets slip a few things about how he was hurt when Jan and Virgil left


Something I noticed in Patton's room!!
          (I know this is long and I'm sorry :/)
          In Moving On (parts one and two), there was something about Patton's room I found extremely sweet.
          I'm not sure if people have talked about this before, but if you look at all the things and how they're situated in his room, you'll see that he specifically organized his room to have specific things where each side would be.
          Roman's area has playbooks he got and all the awards he earned, and his background looks like a stage.
          Logan's area has all the science stuff. The books and what I think is a magnifying lense thingy that you use in sciency things...idk.
          Virgil has all the journals and things to go along with edgyness and stuff. The walls are covered in pictures and other things.
          I know I'm bad at describing things like this but you'll get what I mean next time you look at the videos. What I'm trying to say is it seems that Patton put lots of hard work into decorating the spaces for them, even if there was a potential of them never actually going to his room. And you can see that the room didn't naturally generate the things to the sides spaces, seeing as Virgil's room didn't seem to contain anything the others would like. Then again, the spots in his room could be supposed to scare them, seeing as Patton had to be next to spider curtains. Yet, the other two didn't have anything that frightened them. The room just heightened everyone's anxiety like Patton's room heightened everyone's joy.
          Patton put so much care into making things that he thought would make his kiddos happy, yet no one seemed to care.
          Add onto this if you have any similar ideas or more notes about this! :]


@NonStoppingBean okay, that-
            that's cute
            How do you notice these things? Lmao


So many stories show Roman as a tall, strong, jock person, but in my perspective, he's only a few inches over normal height and he has some muscle that you can kinda see, but he also has some chub to him and light freckles with green eyes and he's just obviously a huge theatre nerd. I know people usually use that idea for highschool au's and stuff but I kinda just don't see it. I actually don't see Roman shown like that too much anymore, but idk I came across one and was like "Wait...that's Roman??". Again, not showing any hate, I think I just probably think that because I relate so much to Roman so I usually make him relatable to me... Oops. 
          I apologize for my vent about Roman's character :/


@TrustfullyTrusty Awwwe! I never thought of it like that! Maybe I shouldn't be so critical . I'm no Anton from Ratatouille let me tell ya.


@NonStoppingBean  Awhhh I actually love that, he could get most of his muscle from helpping out with props that's actually so cute ;w;


Hey! Thank you for liking my chapters for my book! I really appreciate it


No problem! If I’m being honest, it was one of the best books I’ve ever read. It was so adorable and the ending was fantastic and it was literally all fluff. Your a great author and I encourage you to write more books!


I made someone cry using a ukulele today! And no, I did NOT beat them with it


Or beat them. Whatever is easier 


@NonStoppingBean how did you do it then?