
I'm going to the bookstore! Yay!
          	I am gonna read a physical book instead of a digital one for once!
          	Any book recommendations?


this message may be offensive
Womp womp *thumbs down moment*
          I feel like I have like- a permanent stomach ache.
          Also I think I might just casually bring myself to the mental hospital if another random person on Snapchat or Discord asks for n×des or s3x. Idc that I'm a adult now, it's a no. Like- feel grateful I even accepted the fucking friend request. Smh. Literally somebody is gonna die and it's not gonna be me. Oml
          Anywhosies, how's your day?


@ItzViza Some people are just really weird


@ NotNovaScotia  wtf... What are those people you meet? (One of the reasons why I don't join big servers and doesn't accept invites from strangers that I didn't talk many times on the server)
            I feel bad for you that you met those people


Sometimes I remember I have Wattpad.


@ NotNovaScotia  ^^
            How was your day?


@ NotNovaScotia  heh...
            And hello! ^^


          Y'all, we gotta do what the internet does best. WE GOTTA CANCEL.
          So I was watching a show with my grandmother and an ad for Ragu pasta sauce came on
          The end slogan of the ad being "Cook like a mother."
          Obviously this is sexist, claiming only mothers can cook.
          (AGAIN THIS IS A JOKE)


@ NotNovaScotia  OKAY (joking)


this message may be offensive
          You don't have to read this. I just have nowhere else to put it. And my thoughts are all in a funky order
          I'm only on my like- 3rd week of classes and I fucking hate it. I thought college would be a great idea. Y'know- better jobs and shit. But no. I constantly feel sick. Like I'm super hungry but when I eat I feel nauseous so I just don't eat. Turns out my last relationship was just overall toxic but I was so desperate to be in the kinds of relationships my friends are in that I stayed. I got fucking s@ed and thought it was fuckin normal. That it was just a personality quirk of his. And I feel so isolated and alone in the college dorm. I was supposed to have a roommate but they just never fucking showed up. And I don't have the magic ability to make friends. I can hardly even tell people my name before I get anxious to the point I can't talk.
          And I just got a job at the local McDonald's and my coworkers are so kind. But if I decide that college isn't right for me I'll have to quit there. I would feel so bad because they need workers. I've only worked for a couple days and they're saying I'm one of the best workers there. They need people but last night I felt super sick by the end of my shift. 
          I can't fucking do this anymore but I can't afford to not. And like- I don't want to die or anything, I just- I just can't.
          The other day it was around 1am and I felt like I needed to be outside in the woods. Which is dumb, I know. Also I hate being outside in the dark, it freaks me out, so why did my anxious brain feel like I needed to be in the woods at night of all places and times??? It felt like I was literally being physically called outside. I had a lot of chest pain and like- my anxiety kept growing and growing. Nothing I did would help it, and it wasn't like I was gonna go on a midnight hike. I'm not THAT stupid. But it got to a point where I called crisis.
          Anyway, that's my vent rant thing.


Sup guys, I know I rarely post on here... But hey! I'm off to college! Moving into the dorms today! 


@ NotNovaScotia  Oh no... Don't get stressed too much, okay?


@ItzViza Stressed, friend, I am stressed. Lmao


@ NotNovaScotia  Cool! 
            Btw, How are you?


Guess who graduates highschool today-
          It's me


@Lemmy_Koopa7 Pretty bold passive aggressive statement coming from someone who doesn't even know me lol


Woohoo you finally have some sort of common sense and intelligence.


Hey y'all... I doubt anyone will see this but um...
          It's my birthday. I'm officially 18 now...
          I'm just feeling like life is moving fast right now. I just turned 18, I'm moving, I'm getting a job, and I'm graduating highschool on Friday...
          Everything is changing and I just feel so unprepared...
          I'm not asking for someone to let me vent to them or anything because for me, this post is a kind of vent.


July 26th is now my least favorite day of the year thanks to you.


@ NotNovaScotia  Happy Birthday! 


I was looking at a college to see what majors that they offer and one of the majors said "romance languages" then next to it was "Spanish and French"
          Like what makes those "romance languages"?? What if I wanna rizz people up in fuckin Portuguese or something? 
          Idk why Portuguese
          I'm not even learning Portuguese