
He called me ghost girl I'm gonna scream


This bitxh really out here complaining to me abt his ex, whose also my friend, ar 12:50 in he fxcking morning. I just want to read in peace, but he won't stop bugging me for relationship advice. Then he won't take the advice and talks abt his ex like he isn't my best friend and someone I love very much. 
          They both did crappy things,, but we're fxcking 14 and 13. Who. Cares. They just need to fxcking talk in person, not over text. Istg they are tearing out friend group apart, and they haven't ever properly talked in person. Just shut up. 
          The ex (J) tried to patch things up maturely, but my friend (M) was just a bitxh instead on hearing them out. Ughhh. 
          I love them both, but they're so stupid. Acting like this is the end of the world, most dramatic thing in the world, when we aren't even in high school. Like they were soulmates, newsflash, they weren't the love of your life. You only dated for 8 months.which is a long time for kids, but yall acted like just friends like the whole time anyways.
          They're making so many people unnecessary upset.


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I want to slam my head into the wall. I was having a good day. A GOOD FUCKING DAY. And I don't care that I'm being selfish, but I was having a good day, and my friends have all these goddamn issues and they bother me with all them. And they make me FUCKING WORRIED AND I HATE THEM. LIKE I CANT EVEN ENJOY MY READING BECAUSE ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS THEM SUFFERING AND IT MAKES ME SO ANNOYED I JUST WANNA FUCKING DIE I CANT ENJOY ANYTHING.
          and it makes me feel so unhappy and guilty because it's not there fault.


Hey I feel horrible saying this, but I have to get it out somewhere. I wish my friends didn't have so many problems, and didn't (God I hate to say this) bug me so often with them. I really love them, but it's like, every time I finally become content with life or somehow happy, they come out of nowhere with something horrible. And I love them, and love that they can't come to me but.... it makes me so.... sad.