
Sorry guys, there won't be an upload today. To be entirely honest, these next few chapters are very important to the overall story as a whole, and I've been working up to them for the whole series really, but I've rewritten each of them at least three times, none of which I'm really happy with. So I'm going to lock in over the week to get them as best I can and postpone this weeks upload then I'll drop 2 chapters next week to make up for it. One Saturday and one Sunday. And since I know someone will ask either here or on Twitter (Most likely people that won't read this anyway but heyho.) This will not be the new norm and will likely be a one off. I hope you understand and I hope you are hyped for what's to come, have a lovely day.


@NotsoClever117 don't sweat it + honnestly that kinda hype me up.
          	  Have a nice week !


Mate remember me? I recently came back to wattpad and was so surprised to see that i couldn't find your stories but then a few mins ago i stumbled upon your percy jackson and saw your username and the "clever" in it stood out so just to confirm that you were the same person i went to the last chapter of the philosophers stone in your harry Potter book and then i saw your "old fart" comment and instantly knew you were somethingclever i litr still am so surprised it's such a relief to to know that you're stories still exist cuz i litr came back to wattpad to re read your percy jackson one


i remember seeing you everywhere i swear but anyway thats so real


Sorry guys, there won't be an upload today. To be entirely honest, these next few chapters are very important to the overall story as a whole, and I've been working up to them for the whole series really, but I've rewritten each of them at least three times, none of which I'm really happy with. So I'm going to lock in over the week to get them as best I can and postpone this weeks upload then I'll drop 2 chapters next week to make up for it. One Saturday and one Sunday. And since I know someone will ask either here or on Twitter (Most likely people that won't read this anyway but heyho.) This will not be the new norm and will likely be a one off. I hope you understand and I hope you are hyped for what's to come, have a lovely day.


@NotsoClever117 don't sweat it + honnestly that kinda hype me up.
            Have a nice week !


Hey, I wanted to DM you something on your twitter account, but it said that DM’s were closed. Could you open them?


Should hopefully be able to now


Weird I’ll look into it now thanks for the heads up 


As much as I hate myself for it, I made a twitter (or X) page for this account. Cringe I know. But this is just so anyone that needs or wants to DM me, or if we already have been and you just want to get in touch with me you can do. Also it can be a backup way of talking to you guys in case of emergency. As I'll admit...I may have lost the password to the reddit account I created for that purpose.
          Use it, don't use it, I just want it to be known. May the lord forgive me for my sins.
          That being said, how are you guys enjoying the new chapters, positives negatives I'm all ears.


@NotsoClever117 yea idk why but I always thought of y/n going back to Tartarus was gonna be some weird Adam’s family thing like a sitcom almost


@NotsoClever117    I can't find you on twitter


@ NotsoClever117  Like the new chapters. Was waiting for Tartarus because i'm hoping for more interactions with the family


I'm so sorry it's been so long guys, what was supposed to be one or two weeks became so much longer and I sort of got lost in my own rabbit hole of my writing. I won't bore you with the details but lets just say nothing's ever simple and life gets in the way sometimes. This is just a quick update message.
          I will be publishing the first chapter of the new book (And the title page) tomorrow at some point, from there it should be the weekly updates on weekends as normal. The new cover for the book should be updated shortly after the book is. 
          I hope you enjoy everything that's to come and that you all have a lovely day.


@NotsoClever117 thank you and no worries i understand your busy rn


@dav1233555 Sorry for taking so long to respond, yes there will be a chapter this Sunday, and we should be back to weekly updates from now on.


@NotsoClever117 wait does that mean we get another chapter on Sunday or do we gotta wait a bit longer


Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a lovely day. Just a quick update on my end.
          I'm going to be taking a very short break from publishing anything before we get onto the new book, both for personal stuff and so that it can be the best I can make it for you guys. Just a few weeks, if that. Including this one.
          The main reason being, this book, even compared to any of the others is going to take some fiddling around with, as simply put, the main character is constantly in a place which is only written about every few chapters in canon, so there's going to be a lot more of my input in this book than others and I'll have to do a lot more to make it flow properly. To be honest, it's got me a little worried and paranoid so I'm going to take my time and comb through this one for a while.
          Sorry if that's not what you're looking for. But if it's not, I'm curious what you are here for? My animal magnetism surely.
          Anyway. Once I'm back, I'm going to have a new cover for the book which I hope you'll enjoy, as I'm getting kinda bored with the old one, and then we can take the journey into the House of Hades together.
          Apologies this update is only coming now, it's just the first time I've been able to sit down and write this all week.
          *Cue YouTube outro music*
          If any of you need anything, feel free to message me directly, otherwise I hope you all have a lovely few weeks, and a lovely day, I'll see you all when I get back.


@NotsoClever117 You take all the time in the dam world, man the quality of writing you put out is amazing, and it'll be interesting to see something that'll basically be made by you alone. Also gives me time to catch up


@NotsoClever117 Thats alright man, have a good little break for yourself. :)


@NotsoClever117 wonder what it’s gonna come out like bet it’ll be great tho


hey no rush just curious how long do u think it'll take to finish the HoO series?


alright i legit have to slow down on reading ur books cuz i dont wanna get caught up too fast lmaoo btw ur works are some of the best ive ever come across on this app keep it up man


I have honestly no clue. The next book in particular will take a long while so I’m not sure how long for the series in it’s entirety 