
this message may be offensive
had a minor mental breakdown trying to log back in my account after i realised i forgot every piece of login information this thing needed. jesus fuck bro 


i just discovered something very crucial for my character development. the shame and embarrassment i feel for my poor choice in books in the past have just hit me, and now im writing fanfiction again. is that a good or a bad thing??


please, dude. please just do something. please stop being so afraid. please, just for once, believe that you will do great, and even id you don't you can always try again.
          you're safe. you're safe, and that's all that matters. you won't have to wake up in the streets one day because that will never happen. it won't, it will never.
          you have everything that you need in order to get everything that you want. you know that, stop pretending that you don't.
          no one will help you. no matter how many times you ask, or plead, or beg. you've pieced yourself back together before, you can do it again.
          please, help yourself. for you, you have to try.