
Hi, sorry for not posting anything. I come by periodically to write sometimes, but thats not the point of what im posting.
          	I've been having mixed feelings. Mainly about a lot of things, stuff that happened in the past that I have yet to forget, childhood, and conflicting with my self-esteem more and more as this quarantine continues to mess with me, with my distractions being the internet, video games, and my art which has been lacking more recently. Unfortunately this has happened many times already, some days i'll be just fine with no problems what so ever, but thats probably only because i'm distracted enough not to think about anything.
          	I always feel bad about asking to talk to somebody, not that it makes me feel powerless or anything, but as a burden that they have to listen to my problems. And I keep venting at random points, sometimes I get scared in the middle that I forget to realize what im doing and then it just feels wrong to spill my feelings out on someone like that. It hurts but I just dont wanna bother people like that and it only makes me feel worse inside, that gut feeling that what i'm doing is making them uncomfortable.
          	Idk. I guess i'll take a break from social media or something and maybe try to take my mind off of what i'm thinking about.


Hi, sorry for not posting anything. I come by periodically to write sometimes, but thats not the point of what im posting.
          I've been having mixed feelings. Mainly about a lot of things, stuff that happened in the past that I have yet to forget, childhood, and conflicting with my self-esteem more and more as this quarantine continues to mess with me, with my distractions being the internet, video games, and my art which has been lacking more recently. Unfortunately this has happened many times already, some days i'll be just fine with no problems what so ever, but thats probably only because i'm distracted enough not to think about anything.
          I always feel bad about asking to talk to somebody, not that it makes me feel powerless or anything, but as a burden that they have to listen to my problems. And I keep venting at random points, sometimes I get scared in the middle that I forget to realize what im doing and then it just feels wrong to spill my feelings out on someone like that. It hurts but I just dont wanna bother people like that and it only makes me feel worse inside, that gut feeling that what i'm doing is making them uncomfortable.
          Idk. I guess i'll take a break from social media or something and maybe try to take my mind off of what i'm thinking about.


I want to roleplay so badly. But then again, it's not like the usual school roleplay or those really sexual kinds. It's just an average one, but I'd still feel like someone would be weirded out by it anyway.
          Buut ye. Just bored, nothing to do. I would write but I haven't been in the mood lately. School has been just stressful. I always expect things to be too hard,  and they'd be easy. When I expect things to be easy, they get difficult. 
          Guess it's just my own problem, but I know others have it worse so I'm not even gonna talk about it. Just a small one, I can handle it eventually. Probably?
          Meh, oh well.


Screw Valentines day, useless holiday for nothing but all this love crap QwQ Tired of being alone. Got friends but ye. Thats a little gay qwq Too homo. And even then I feel the friend w/ a lover is getting jealous or something that im hanging out w/ them in the first place. So ye, Valentines day is not the best holiday, probably second worst. The only thing good; Just chocolate to eat the stress and loneliness away for a change.


(well the friend's lover jealous, but im always putting myself to blame for.)


Redoing the abdl story because I feel it is a bit cringey in my level qwq Probably unlist it as public draft though


Since I don't wanna go on my social media. I will tell you here. Now, my friends have betrayed me, and I don't wan't to be on my social media. Like Facebook or Twitter. I've been going through a lot lately, and scared to face my problems. Only way to talk to me is on here, Devian, YouTube, and Discord. For now. My Discord is "SaxXy12" and my number is #3907. I won't post everything on here, because I dont want to spam you. Bye.