
Hello my beautiful people!
          	Just posted another part of LFA... TU
          	I apologize for not posting, things have been crazy in the Thottam household, and I didnt have energy to post. 
          	Anywho, don't worry about me, I'll post as many times as I can, there would be no scheduled time for updates, not I can assure you that you will get an update every few days.
          	Love you all,
          	Dont forget to comment on chapters!
          	Please share this book with friends, and dont forget to share and vote,
          	Bye bye,


Hello my beautiful people!
          Just posted another part of LFA... TU
          I apologize for not posting, things have been crazy in the Thottam household, and I didnt have energy to post. 
          Anywho, don't worry about me, I'll post as many times as I can, there would be no scheduled time for updates, not I can assure you that you will get an update every few days.
          Love you all,
          Dont forget to comment on chapters!
          Please share this book with friends, and dont forget to share and vote,
          Bye bye,


          Just posted another chapter of LFA... TU
          Enjoy the chapter and please leave some comments because I would love to read them, also it would give me inspiration to write. 
          Love you all!
          Please please please don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share.
          I'll see you when I see you!
          Take care,


Just updated another part of Love Far Away... The Unknown
          I know I didn't update, and I so sorry for that. These past couple of days have been tiring. I had to do assignments and projects because there is still time before this school year ends so...
          I managed to do almost all my work but I still have 2 more assignments to do. I'll try my best to update more frequently. 
          I still have some more chapters that I had already written up and edited, so I don't have to worry about those. 
          For now, you guys just enjoy reading and please DON'T forget to VOTE, SHARE AND COMMENT on my story. I would love to read some comments!!


Hey hey hey lovelies!!
          I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday. I feel bad because I couldn't update on time so guess what I did.
          I gave you guys 2 updates!!
          Yayyyy me!
          Please don't forget to share, vote and comment. I would love some comments and feedback along with some new readers. 
          You know what to do. 
          Share my story!
          HAPPY READING!!


Hey Guys!
          Just wanted to let you know that I am in the process of writing a book on Wattpad and it's called "Love Far Away... The Unknown"
          (My first book here)
          I posted 2 parts of the book already, so go ahead and take a look, and let me know how you feel about it? 