
Someone throw a wof oc at me I need drawing inspo 


@Nymphaea36 Emm I have an oc named Visioner (he's just a nightwing with pure black scales) so if u still need inspo??


@Nymphaea36 My oc, Magnetite. I can tag you for her reference sheet in my art book, if you'd like. Just let me know when you're ready, if you decide you want to draw her.


Someone throw a wof oc at me I need drawing inspo 


@Nymphaea36 Emm I have an oc named Visioner (he's just a nightwing with pure black scales) so if u still need inspo??


@Nymphaea36 My oc, Magnetite. I can tag you for her reference sheet in my art book, if you'd like. Just let me know when you're ready, if you decide you want to draw her.


Read it all
          I mean it!
          Read it all!
          If you were killed, I wouldn't be at your funeral.
          I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you.
          We are true friends.
          We ride together, we die together.
          Send this to everybody you care about, including me, if you care 
          See how many times I get this.
          I want you to know you are an amazing friend, till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter,
          You must send this to 15 people,
          Including me. 
          If you get at least three back, you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is, until the lose it.
          Tonight (right at 12:00 am) the person you love will realize they love you.
          Then, at 1:00 pm to 2:00pm, be ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to the 15
          If you don't, you will turn ugly for one year.
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on.
          Tomorrow, two boys/ girls will ask if they can have tour number?
          Send this message to 15 nice people, or bad luck starts for a whole year.
          This is not fake.
          Apparently, if you copy and paste this, you will have the best day of your life tomorrow!
          Good luck!
          Oh! And don't send this to a group chat!!!!!!!


Just got deviantart!?!? Absolutely no idea how it works but I'm (slowly) figuring it out :'D 


[ @Nymphaea36 ]
               :,D i also don't use it often tbh i forget about its existence a lot 


@theethetree_- that's encouraging :'D


Anyone have oneshot ideas or requests or themes? Could be anything :')


@Nymphaea36 Maybe Whiteout and Thoughtful (I think that's his name) That ship is so underrated, and I love Whiteout :D


@striike- eehehhhehee so true


            more procrastination on the canon is key— :’)


Anyone here a mission impossible fan? An Ilsa fan especially? 


@Ever_Dragon Ok up until this point I had convinced myself she was dead but you have a ton of good points like wth??! 
            One thing to add: the knife she was stabbed with was retractable. They established this with a suspicious couple knife close ups before hand. I think she was holding it when she got stabbed, he grabbed it over her hands. She could have retracted it as he drove it down and faked the rest. 
            Honestly I think that plot wise, it’s totally possible. The wrinkle is that idk if the writers want her to come back. They’ve already gone and replaced her with grace, idk what they could have planned for her character. I really really hope she’s alive but I’m also afraid of getting my hopes up :’) 


            - I think the whole thing was planned, for her to face Gabriel alone and for him and the Entity to believe they had confirmed Ilsa’s death, meanwhile she’s off-grid with Luther working where the Entity can’t touch them.
            - I think Luther and Benji both know that she’s alive
            - They had plenty of time between separating at the airport and finding Ethan (they were together when they did as such) to plan her ‘death’
            - There is a chance they needed Grace to think Ilsa is dead, I recon Grace is, either knowingly or unknowingly- connected to the Entity
            - I think Ethan does not know that she’s dead
            - We established with the bomb and the comm fiasco at the start of the movie that ‘Benji and Luther don’t tell Ethan everything’
            - A two-parter movie set is the idea time for a ‘This character you thought was dead is still alive!’ plot twist without casual fans going ‘who?’
            - I look forward to the emotional rollercoaster where she shows up at the last moment to save Ethan’s life and both Ethan and the audience find out she’s alive
            That’s what I noticed, anyway. It this point I’d be very disappointed in the writers if she WAS dead, they’ve set it up so well.


@Nymphaea36 :D 1/2
            *me doing that one Charlie Conspiracy meme*
            Let’s look at the facts
            - We saw no dead body
            - Having someone off-the-grid on your team that the Entity thinks is dead is a very very useful thing to have
            - Luther left to go ‘off grid’. You mean go hang with Ilsa time?? 
            - No one was there to see Ilsa die. SUSPICIOUS
            - We established in the opening scene of MISSION ONE that they have a type of anesthetic that can make someone appear completely dead for a decent amount of time
            - There was a large amount of time between Ilsa getting stabbed and Gabriel leaving, until Ethan showed up. Plenty of time to inject herself with whatever and appear dead.
            - She had possession of the knife she was stabbed with before the fight, she could have swapped it for a dud. OR, she just took the risk and got stabbed, because it was apart of the plan
            - In Mission 5, we saw her fight UNARMED against the Bone Doctor who had a knife, and she won anyway. This proves that she is absolutely a match for Gabriel, armed or unarmed. It’s just bad writing if that fight managed to kill her when the Bone Doctor couldn’t.