
"You like me!" 


            laughing a bit,  the young man's ears twitched on his
            head and he poked the other's cheek.  his smile was
            light but mischievous and playfully.  "it's like a demon.
            are you a demon?"  he asked him despite pretty much
            knowing the answer already.  while they were similar,
            schrödinger knew they weren't the same.   


            "Verekin..?" He tried to mimic the blonde german cat boy's accent as best as he could. His one ear folding back as he tilted it to the side." What...verekin?" 


            "like you?  mm..  vee do both hafe cat ears~ 
            yes.  but vee aren't /completely/ zee same,  i'm
            sure.  are you a verekin?"


"I..heard of vampires. Even seen em..but you..I have no idea vat you are-"


            the boy couldn't help but laugh softly,  glad he was
            able to have this sort of reaction on the young man.
            "a cigarette /and/ a beer?"  he lifted a white gloved hand
            and waved his finger a bit.  "yes..  i am a /catboy/.  i 
            bet you really did /nazi/ zis comink,  did you?"  he giggled
            at his own joke,  closed fists going to his lips as his 
            ears gave another twitch.  "you vork for integra hellsink,
            don't you?  vat's your name?"  he asked,  head tilting as 
            he rocked back and forth on his heels in an almost child-
            like manner. 


            Pip was still for the moment till he blinked and the cat was gone. He stiffened at the second the cat returned to reality in the aspect of only a mere second. His remaining eye widening at the time the German nazi cat started to speak again. " Putain de merde.." he turned back to face the cat boy he was just a child. He couldn't..really hurt him. Right? He refrained from grabbing his gun as he looked behind him then back to him." I believe your point is now proven- I need another cigarette and a beer to flush this craziness out..first cat people." 


            "yes!  i am!  i figured my uniform made it fery obvious."
            the catboy joked,  smirking at him in a playful manner.
            and sure,  he /should/ be with them,  but if he needed
            to return,  he'd be able to do so in the blink of an eye. 
            so,  he wasn't worried.  with a quiet laugh,  the young
            man seemed to disappear,  only to reappear behind him
            a few seconds later.  "vant me to be more specific?  i 
            am zee paradoxical cat.  if zat's not specific enough,
            i'm a verekin."  


are  you  a  fan  of  graffiti  art  ?


            i couldn't say..  i've nefer done it~


            vell..  you all say it like /th/at and i hafe no
            idea why.  it sounds funny and it's not easy
            to say~  *  the werekin pouted a bit when he
            stopped petting him,  his ears twitching a bit.  *
            really?  i'm glad zen~


            *  schrödinger let out a very soft,  happy noise 
            from the feeling.  it was almost a purr,  but not
            quite.  *  you mean my accent?  it's german... 
            it isn't /zat/ funny~


" cat ears? a tail? that's weird. "


            "vat?  you mean my accent?  i can't help
            zat eizer.  it's not my fault i talk like this~"
            the catboy mused with a childish pout.


            " you talk weird too... " she ignored his comment, pretending to shiver uncomfortably.


            "i don't sink it's veird~  this is how i alvays


i smell a rather rotten soul around here ... i don't suppose you'd know where that's coming from , hm .. ~ ?


this message may be offensive
            perhaps~  but zee need for survival is greedy in it's own
            vay,  don't you sink?  people in var's kill anyone to live.  zat
            means zat zey sink zere life is vorth more zan someone
            elses.  zey sink zere more vorthly to live zan zee person zey
            kill.  zey choose zere life vhich is selfish and greedy...  in it's
            own vay.  *  he shrugged just slightly, smiling softly.  * 
            yes..  i suppose zat shows how people and demons aren't
            completely different from one anozer.


mm .. there is a difference between greed and a need to survive , sweetheart . war is always a fight for survival at heart   * the demon mused , glancing at the other with a small grin and a raised brow *   but of course . a demon will do absolutely anything to survive . that's why we possess people . why we kill , maim , control .. why we fight to the end .


            vell..  zee easiest example is var.  hafe you efer 
            vitnessed a var?  in var..  humans vill do anysink 
            and eferysink to survive.  zey'll kill anyone zey
            can just so zey don't die~  var is truly vonderful,
            don't you sink?  *  then he giggled a bit,  which was
            odd considering he'd just been talking about war.  *
            i don't doubt zat demons vould do zee same~ 
            zey're just zat /horrible/.


"I will now attempt to speak- jarmoon-" The magic kitten inhaled deeply as if to say a long sentence in German. Only to exhale slowly, raising his head with his fists on his hips. He spoke-" Si-"


            huffing,  schrödinger frowned and his tail 
            swung behind him,  a frown on his face as it
            his fanglike teeth poked out.  he moved his 
            hands to his hips.  "you know vat i meant~
            don't try and make me look foolish!"


@OMNlPRESENCE the other boy stared at him for a moment before he laughed slightly at the boy. Covering his mouth as his cheeks went purple as he attempted to hold in his laughter from going any farther." But you just did-" 


            the males ears twitched a bit and he 
            narrowed his purple-ish red eyes at
            the cheshire cat.  then he huffed and
            crossed his arms,  his head tilted to 
            the side ever so slightly.  "zat vasn't
            german.  germans don't say 'si'."  he
            muttered,  rolling his eyes a bit.


❝   What are you? Some kind of Neko Nazi?     ❞
          ::    uwu 


@sadyears //lol cx
            the males rudeness didn't affect the werekin at all.
            he didn't care what tsukiro noelle thought of him.  
            his ears pressed flat against his head for a moment
            as he blinked.  "schrö?  no ones efer called me zat 


:: OwO 
            the blue eyed boy let his dull hues drift over the other almost as if he were Judging them. He scoffed at the male’s giggles , rolling his eyes rather rudely . ❝  I’m just gonna call
            You Schrö . the name’s Tsukiro Noelle .  ❞


@sadyears //^u^
            the german boy knew his accent could be
            hard to understand sometimes so he just
            giggled again with a nod,  crossing his arms
            now.  "fine,  fine~  my name is schrödinger."