
i'm giving my friend @hiimerror my squid game story since she had ideas for it that are way better than anything i could come up with. she's also editing my steve harrington story before i start updating again


so, i kinda left again, but this time it wasn't because of my mental health or anything. i couldn't log into my account for some reason. it was this whole thing i won't bore you with the details, but one of my friends is redesigning the layout for broken and pretty (steve harrington x oc) which i'm super excited about! she's a super talented writer, @hiimerror and credit to her for why the book is gonna look nice, cause i'm bad at that.


hello everyone :] ik i keep saying this and i'm so sorry for not keeping up, but life kinda sucks sometimes. stuff kept coming up and my mental health wasn't the greatest so i wasn't really writing at all, even outside of wattpad. i feel so bad for leaving for awhile and i do want to make it up to everyone. two of my friends write on this platform and they helped give me the motivation to write again and even showed me how to present my stories better, just in terms of how it looks, so i'm going to start with the cobra within (eli moskowtiz/hawk x oc) and i'm gonna make it look a lot nicer and just improve  my writing, plus some updates. can't wait to get writing again :D


@hoesXlikegoth thank you so much <3 it means a lot


heyyy im back :] im actually gonna try updating more now since i feel up to it. i'll be mainly focused on the cobra within, broken and pretty and light as a feather, but i'll try and update as frequently as i can.


heyyy @OaklynnDeVille , I was just wondering if you’re going to update your Hawk & Caspia book now that season 5 is out? I was just wondering and no pressure or rush obviously. Love you!!!


@OaklynnDeVille ok that’s great and i hope that you enjoy your time to yourself :))


@shanzeahmad04 i am going to update it, i'm just taking sometime for myself rn. thank you for saying no pressure, i appreciate it, but i'll try and get updates out.


I was wondering this too