
I've always had a great passion for reading and writing books since I was young.

My hobbies are sleeping, eating, drawing, writing and reading. I don't really know if procrastination is a hobby but I do that a lot.

Music, coffee and books help me escape from reality.

I am a Potterhead and a proud Slytherin.

Favourite show? Game of Thrones.

Crushes: Dave Franco and Tim Borrmann

I love football ⚽

I swear a lot. Like more than a lot.

I think I'm the laziest person you'll ever meet... I guess.. Probably.. well, most probably..

I'm the kind of person who sets around ten alarms on my phone to wake up in the morning.

I love chocolates.

And yeah.. That's it about me!
  • JoinedNovember 23, 2015