
gua mau post cerita tapi ada yang baca gak ya


@ OghyOghy  mauuuuu ... Aku pasti bacaa


Oghyyyyyy dont playing with ma heart! give me some explain! where's mommy youngiii(✖╭╮✖) if its too hard for explain, give a clue then(╯︵╰,) i cant think straight for this huwaaaaa oghyyyy i misses you both! i miss to see your n.a hiks *cryin* you both okay, right? Anything fine, right? you live well? Eat well? Sleep well? you both are living in such a good life circumference, right? nothing bad, yay? i hope ya:D its hard to letting go, but ahaha here i am. thank you for you both. i love you so much, oghy! And i love mommy youngiii so bad. but she's cant be ours forever:( mom has a baby, and hope the best for baby too! thanks alot!   :)


Halo kak!
          Aku titip semangat sama mommy ugi yaa
          Aku ngga bisa berkata-kata huwee
          Semoga masalahnya cepet selesai ya kak :((


@ Min_Anhra217  aku juga ngga tau huhu~~ :"


@Min_Anhra217 ada apa???? Kenapa????? Ini baru mau baca ff dia kok gaada samsek 