
Made a discord, anyone is welcome to join.


HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE!!! LET'S PRAY THAT 2022 WILL BE A BIT BETTER THAN LAST YEAR!! Stay safe and stay healthy!!! Love you guys!!! And to all my readers, thank you for your continuous support, I plan on continuing to write my stories and have fun with making new content for you all to enjoy!!!!


So I was wondering.... I've been working on some stories for BTS and Exo under wraps a while.. I was wondering if anyone would actually want me to publish them so you can read them. So.. Does anyone want me to? Please let me know... I'm kinda feeling desperate to know what you guys are feeling.


I would like to say a sincere thanks for all the support  you guys have been giving me since I've been writing these books on Wattpad. You guys don't realize how happy it makes me to see people actually like what I write! Thank you guys so much! I promise to keep getting better at this!


As you all know about the Marjory Stoman Douglas Shooting, I'm a student at the school. I was lucky enough to have gotten out safe and that my friends were all safe. I'm praying for anyone else who has lost a family member or their family member is still missing. It was terrifying to be locked in the room, hearing gun shots. We thought it was a regular fire drill although we had one earlier in the day, I thought that culinary had accidentally burned something but when i heard those gunshots and screams it changed everything. I was can't believe that this has happened. Please pray for those who have lost loved ones or are still missing their loved ones.