
I hope Wattpad improves the message board and comments since they’re removing the DMs. Sometimes, I message authors about my theories to avoid spoiling anything for other readers. They need to add a “spoiler block” that allows users to block out parts of their comments that contain spoilers. Similar to what Goodreads has and other sites. I understand why they’re getting rid of DMs, but they gotta improve the message board and comments. 


@Ola1046 that's a great idea with the spoiler


I hope Wattpad improves the message board and comments since they’re removing the DMs. Sometimes, I message authors about my theories to avoid spoiling anything for other readers. They need to add a “spoiler block” that allows users to block out parts of their comments that contain spoilers. Similar to what Goodreads has and other sites. I understand why they’re getting rid of DMs, but they gotta improve the message board and comments. 


@Ola1046 that's a great idea with the spoiler


Yo Ola, your level of pump for Silicon Knight makes me so happy.  Thank you thank you thank you!


No, thank you for putting such good stories out!! Also, I LOVE IT when the characters have actual professions and interests. (And when the writer knows what they’re writing about.) It brings so much more depth and character identity to a story


Hi friend,
          Thank you for spending this week with my stories. I hoped you enjoyed the protagonists shenanigans.
          I'd be happy to know which story is your personal favorite so far.
          Have a great day!


@AmariOkito No worries! I always take forever to respond to messages, so you're good. :) Oh yea, I saw your notice about going to Toronto - I hope you had a great time. 
            Surprisingly, after reading New Growth, it's my new fav (at least for now, lol). I loved how realistic you made her healing process instead of the Wattpad two weeks, and you're cured schtick. Also, you perfectly captured the nuisances of social issues and the identity struggles many black people go through. 
            I think this cover is more abstract than the old one because the typewriter really speaks to the theme of being an author and ties in with the book's title. Whereas this one keeps you guessing about what it's about. 
            have a good one!


Hi, sorry for the late reply. I didn't have a lot of wifi in Toronto. Yeah, a lot of people pick XY XX Xenia and Gregory are funny.
            No, TYPED OUT isn't finished; I still have a few chapters to write. 
            Thank you, I thought the cover needed a makeover. I think people will appreciate something less abstract. I loved the old cover, though.
            Have a great day!


@AmariOkito The first week with your stories and protagonists was great, so I'm back for week two! 
            I'm still trying to figure out which is my favorite, but out of the completed stories, I'd XY XX; even Xenia was pissing me off towards the end, lol. 
            Btw, is Typed Out finished? And I love the new cover.
            Have a blessed day :)