Hey dudes, my name's Aneesha. Y'all can call me Annie, that's my nickname. Here are a few things about me that may or may not be worth knowing, you can decide :P

I sTaN kIrIbAkU.
I aM aN aQuArIuS.
I aM a WeEb.
I aM a BrItIsH-aSiAn
I aM pReTtY sTrAiGhT fOrWaRd.
My PeRsOnAlItY tYpE iS "ESFP".
If Ya DoN't LiKe Me, LeAvE.

That's all. Thanks for looking at my 'About' section UwU pEaCe.
(P.S. Follow me on insta if ya want, link is somehwere- XD)
  • nOoOoO, i DoN't WaNt No StAlKeRs XD
  • JoinedApril 9, 2020