
Unspoken Melodies bids farewell, it's time to part,
          	For those who've read every verse, a special place in the heart.
          	In this journey of words, you're the rare eight percent,
          	Who start and finish strong, your commitment is evident.
          	Your votes and comments, like the rising sun's ray,
          	Made Unspoken Melodies shine in many a way.
          	Ranked number one in categories galore, #Poems, #Poesia, #Poetrybook, #Poembook, #Lovepoem, #Englishpoems and many more.
          	Support me, if you can, through the link on my profile's about section, I share,
          	Your kindness and love, I'll forever hold dear.
          	Stay tuned for "Ink Stained Hearts," a new poetic start,
          	In just a week's time, the journey will impart.
          	Now, without wasting time, explore tales untold,
          	For in each written word, a story unfolds.
          	I thank you once again, from my heart, my friend,
          	With warm regards, it's Jefferson, signing the end.



Unspoken Melodies bids farewell, it's time to part,
          For those who've read every verse, a special place in the heart.
          In this journey of words, you're the rare eight percent,
          Who start and finish strong, your commitment is evident.
          Your votes and comments, like the rising sun's ray,
          Made Unspoken Melodies shine in many a way.
          Ranked number one in categories galore, #Poems, #Poesia, #Poetrybook, #Poembook, #Lovepoem, #Englishpoems and many more.
          Support me, if you can, through the link on my profile's about section, I share,
          Your kindness and love, I'll forever hold dear.
          Stay tuned for "Ink Stained Hearts," a new poetic start,
          In just a week's time, the journey will impart.
          Now, without wasting time, explore tales untold,
          For in each written word, a story unfolds.
          I thank you once again, from my heart, my friend,
          With warm regards, it's Jefferson, signing the end.



@manya___76 thanks and do lemme know your thoughts 


Hiii!How are you?I hope fine!
          I'm sorry for bothering you, but do you have time to check out my stories? 
          my biggest dream is to become a great author one day!
          If you are interested, here it is.
          I follow back too for help you because I know it's not easy to be a writer ;)


Hey dear! 
          I apologize if this message is intrusive in any way, but I wanted to reach out and ask if you could spare a few moments to review my new poetry book.
          I value your opinion and would greatly appreciate your feedback. I've poured my heart and soul into these poems, and I truly hope they resonate with you.
          Thank you for considering my request, and I sincerely hope that my book connects with you. 
          Wishing you a pleasant day/night ahead! :)
          Best regards, 
