
saw an old friend of mine is still into olilen these days….it’s such a strange feeling to be so far disconnected from them now but still love them to pieces :’) i did some searching on twt as well and it seems olilen is fairly popular(?) these days as well….. love to see my boys thriving when it feels like i was one of the only people making content for them around 8-9 years ago now haha


@BananaboyeL i havent been in contact with this friend in yearsss lol i doubt they even remember me now, but it was silly to see them still upholding the old olilen agenda lmao


Oh my god this is so relatable
          	  (Except none of my friends ship olilen anymore dkdkdc)
          	  And they’re thriving on twitter? :o I gotta see this


saw an old friend of mine is still into olilen these days….it’s such a strange feeling to be so far disconnected from them now but still love them to pieces :’) i did some searching on twt as well and it seems olilen is fairly popular(?) these days as well….. love to see my boys thriving when it feels like i was one of the only people making content for them around 8-9 years ago now haha


@BananaboyeL i havent been in contact with this friend in yearsss lol i doubt they even remember me now, but it was silly to see them still upholding the old olilen agenda lmao


Oh my god this is so relatable
            (Except none of my friends ship olilen anymore dkdkdc)
            And they’re thriving on twitter? :o I gotta see this


how are people still reading my fics it’s been 8 years please


@Kalypuuu yeah def! It’s like “I totally understand why I liked this but it definitely wasn’t as god-tier as I used to think it was” lol. Times & tastes change! Usually a good thing, but still funny to think abt


@HeartstheKitteh uh? I assume you meant “aren’t Sonic” LOL ToT but ty again ! I still write, yeah, but definitely haven’t touched the Vocaloid fandom (outside of PRSK) in a looooong time 


@Oliver_Kagamine ohh i know i just reread a book i rlly loved from another author yesterday and I realized that it’s actually kinda cringe  it definitely didn’t the get me as emotional as it did the very first time i read it about 6-7 years ago either. I still liked it but people change and you realize how cliche and weird some stuff is once you get older


it’s 2023! i’ve come back to laugh at myself again


@Sayakao no cause like fr who let us do that 


@Oliver_Kagamine I feel you everytime I see my old comments, old activities, old fics, old messages, etc. I just think "girl.........what were you thinking...what was going through your head when you typed this out and shared it to the world?"


was scrollin thru oliver fanart on twt and it’s making me nostalgic :’) i don’t miss the person i was on here nor do i miss the things i wrote, but i miss olilen and how happy they made me when i was so heavily hyperfixated on them for ~2 years </3 i still think they’re really cute but the hfx is gone and so it’s just really melancholic and nostalgic to think abt even tho i was a terrible kid dhjfhfjd 


            I get that too


@Oliver_Kagamine I believe we were all cringe back then


sorry to always talk about vocadiscourse here but everywhere else is annoying so. here i am again ^_^
          i think fundamentally the difference between utilizing vocaloid synthesizers to bring music to life and creating fanworks around vocaloid itself is what trips people up most of the time. when i talk about canonical ages in regards to shipping and whatnot, 99% of the time i’m directly talking about people who have fandom based around vocaloid itself. there are sooooo many stories that use faceclaims and the voices of vocaloid designs that aren’t actually those characters themselves and i think that’s a very fine-line difference that causes sm discourse around vocaloid,, not to mention the fact that crypton itself decides to keep a lot of information vague for creativity purposes- which, don’t get me wrong, is a great thing for them and producers alike, but when it comes to fandom spaces it just causes sm more arguments and discourse
          like obv common sense can tell that canonically there are things abt vocaloids that not every producer utilizes or includes bc it would interfere or be unimportant to storytelling with their music. which is perfectly fine ! but then at the same time it just breeds loopholes for people to get away with being weirdos and freaks in the fandom,, even if they don’t realize or think they actively are being/doing such
          idk. i still enjoy a lot of vocaloid music but it’s such a grey area topic that i constantly think abt when listening to certain songs that i can’t help but feel frustrated by it :\ it makes me rlly dislike the vocaloid fandom as a whole even tho it’s such a prominent part of who i am and how i grew up


tbh it’s kinda weird that ppl in this (vocaloid) fandom press hard as hell to ignore canon ages of characters ,, like even i used to do it & i don’t necessarily find it SUPER weird if it’s for a story setting or wtv but if it’s just to ship characters or to make nsfw ur weird and idc that u think it’s “up to interpretation” 


People forget there are many different vocaloid songs that showcase different age and timelines of each character/vocaloid they need to calm down because some vocaloids don't have a canon age 


also the fact that ppl take charas like kaito n meiko and deage them just bc they don’t have confirmed ages….. why r u looking at a very clear adult and going “yeah. that’s a 15 year old” no you’re just a freak


one time someone brought up ritsu like they’re not even a vocaloid it’s a fan-made utauloid ???


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hey guys sorry to inform you like this but oliver_kagamine has died due to being so cringe... it pains me to read through all those stories and reminisce all those times we spent laughing at the shit they wrote... love you so much best friend. hell gained another mentally ill gay person


@luunazzle I hope Jesus reads this at heavens gates and turns you away for being a lesbian 


slash j or smth


this message may be offensive
You’d think that after 6 years Wattpad woulda gotten its shit together. But no


@Oliver_Kagamine I miss when my followers could pop in to see what I was reading and question why I was reading shrek  smut in early 2019 lol. They seriously need to bring those features back. And the writing formatting is weird, it’s harder to find a writing style on here, compared to like ao3.


@Allforthatgay I’m ngl I don’t even really remember it that much but I remember havin so much fun, just that the formatting is always so Bleh for both the social and writing aspects of the app o(-(


nobody understands Oliver Vocaloid and Len Kagamine like me. like us. they never will.


@Awesomeboyz255 saw someone call oliver puppycat  