
Helloo! I happened to chance upon your account, and I see that we share many of the same book interests! :DD (Though I cry whenever I hear the words "The", "Legend", and "Trilogy" in the same sentence). Legend is a good series, but have you read The Lunar Chronicles by Merissa Meyer?? It's my absolute favorite series! It's kind of like a twist on childhood fairy tales ^-^


@Ira_llusion Oh, haha! Well, I do hope you like it! ^-^


@_Bright_Light_  Hi! That's awesome, lol The Legend Trilogy is wonderful though it's brought many tears to my eyes. X'D
             I haven't read The Lunar Chronicles, but since we share a lot of the same book interests, I'm sure it has to be great. I may check it out since I've been wanting to start a new series soon. ^_^