
Go check out chapter 3 of Memories NOW. 


Hello everybody!
          I have good news. Over this winter break I decided to hunker down, lock in, and just write. I’m happy to say that the final chapter of home is pretty much finished (finally)! I’m not going to post it right now since I am currently traveling, but I am going to give you guys two options:
          1. Upload the chapter asap but it won’t be as good as it can possibly be.
          2. Let me have another two or three weeks to edit and make changes to the chapter but also upload it two or three weeks later.
          Just reply to this with a 1 or 2 and I’ll decide what to do from there. I will probably give you guys until January 13th since that’s when I get back from traveling.
          Also, I recently hit 8000+ reads on home, which left me flabbergasted. That means I got almost 1000 reads in about a month which is actually crazy. THANK YOU<3
          Finally, thank you so much for sticking with me and being soooooo patient.  I understand that you probably lost hope after six-ish months of waiting since the last chapter. I promise I see your comments asking for updates and I’m not ignoring them. You guys are the reason I was able to pull through with this last chapter!