
The Rogue Alpha is almost done being edited. I will let y'all know when I repost the updated version. Sorry it has taken so long but I had a LOT to add and edit - found a few plot holes that I didn't see considering I wrote the original in three days during a manic episode.


The Rogue Alpha is almost done being edited. I will let y'all know when I repost the updated version. Sorry it has taken so long but I had a LOT to add and edit - found a few plot holes that I didn't see considering I wrote the original in three days during a manic episode.


So, uh, totally forgot about writing for awhile. Life's been sh*t. I have a few plots floating around in my head and I finally remembered this site. Will be editing (and probably extending) TRA, working on a couple WIP, and maybe/hopefully getting a new story out. Uh, my bad, y'all... Also, honestly, TRA was written in a manic cycle so I'm having to re-read it to see where my head was at. Don't hate me!


@OnyxRaevynn yeah I also enjoyed the way the story evolved and for her to add the double D's to the bond. Are you planning on updating TRP soon? Please do... I so want to read it 


@OnyxRaevynn just finished TRA.  Loved it.  Wish more on her.mating with the guys but oh well.  I think the last chapter where u state the next book has the wrong name for the next book.  Cant wait for more alpha princess...


My life is super chaotic right now; holidays, birthdays, etc mean I won’t have time to commit to posting the sequel to ‘The Rogue Alpha’ BUT I am using my free time to edit TRA. I have a synopsis for the sequel written, but am struggling with a title. 
          ‘Bound by Trial’ is also being edited & re-written; it will remain on hiatus until I have a complete version written. 
          In the mean time! I will be writing smut scenes in a collection, as well as one-shots or short stories for followers on request. (Just shoot me a message with details - characters, genre, etc.)


@OnyxRaevynn  Your fast-pace writing is rather enjoyable. I hope all is well with you and have added to follow you. I loved 'The Rogue Alpha' and plan to go back and vote on the chapters as soon as I am done posting this. Please take care and don't give up on writing, your work is lovely.


Okay, I’m going to be placing ‘Bound by Trial’ on hiatus. My family is facing crisis and I cannot commit to a posting schedule. Instead, I’ll be writing a FAQ/Introduce the Author thing instead. Feel free to ask questions; I’ll answer them. I hope y’all understand!


I’m really struggling to write chapter 8 of ‘Bound by Trial’. It will be a very triggering chapter for some people so I am trying to keep that in mind. 
          I hope to have the chapter posted within the next day or two. The holidays threw off my writing schedule. 


I don’t understand how five people can read chapter 20, but only one person read chapter 19????
          ‘The Rogue Alpha’ will probably be complete at around Ch. 25. There will be a sequel, but I might not post it until after I finish ‘Bound by Trial’.  
          I would really appreciate comments & feedback about both books!


@OnyxRaevynn I like The Rogue Alpha I patiently waiting for the sequel. Great work. 


Sixteen chapters written in two days??? Break time! I will be finishing ‘The Rogue Alpha’ today or tomorrow. There will be a sequel, though I’m not sure when I’ll start it. I need to focus on finishing ‘Bound by Trial’.