
Hi all, not sure if it’s real or a scare but better safe than sorry - I’ve been told that wattpad is randomly deleting works that have been reported and they’re only being checked by ai. This is great for quickly removing offensive comments but not so great for authors when idiots decide to report for no reason so please make sure your work is backed up and stay safe <3


Hi all, not sure if it’s real or a scare but better safe than sorry - I’ve been told that wattpad is randomly deleting works that have been reported and they’re only being checked by ai. This is great for quickly removing offensive comments but not so great for authors when idiots decide to report for no reason so please make sure your work is backed up and stay safe <3


          I have recently realized that I am unable to read your spiderman one shot book. I just wanted to ask if this problem was from your side or mine so I can reread your book.


So it's a problem on my side. I've managed to fix it, so I don't need help anymore but I'll let you know if I have a problem again :)


My book is still up and I am able to access it from an alt account. Lmk if I can do anything to help you see it again (:


          I think I've mentioned this before in one of the comments in your oneshots book, but I really wanted to thank you for writing those oneshots. 
          I'm not sure how I stumbled upon it, but now, after reading through every one of them, I'm so glad I did. 
          These past couple days, I've been feeling really downcast and sad (the type of sad that just had me bursting into tears at every little obstacle that came in my way) and I didn't smile anymore. I know I didn't smile, but it was like I'd forgotten how to. 
          But reading your oneshots...they were so hilarious and relatable, and I just loved the funny ways you portrayed the characters like Peter and Tony...at first, I felt myself smiling and I was so surprised! 
          Those smiles turned into giggles and those giggles turned into laughs. And this entire day, I've been beaming and laughing, and it really is thanks to you for writing such funny stories that brought up my mood. 
          You're such an amazing writer, and if anyone thinks otherwise...don't listen to them. Because this is the first time in so long my spirits have been lifted, and it is because of your amazing writing :) 
          You seem like a genuinely nice person, and don't let anyone else let you think otherwise. I'm so lucky to have found your work in such a dark time of my life. I wanted to properly thank you and I thought you should know how you just impacted my day and made it so much brighter. 
          Keep smiling and thank you very much :) 
          - Haidlyn 
          PS. Sorry if this was really awkward :P


Thank you! I hope that your stress will lessen, too! 
            (And I'm literally not kidding, I will run to your next oneshots) <3


@NightingaleSong6 Hi! I'm so glad my writing was able to help you, and reading all your comments really brightened my day too, so thank you for that. Whatever you're going through, I really hope you figure it out. I know it's cliche, but remember there's always light at the end of a tunnel. I've been stressed lately and reading this made me feel like I've achieved something, so thank you so much for sharing. I look forward to seeing you on my updates in the future ^-^


It's Percy Jackson Day! I have been waiting YEARS for this I'm so glad they didn't mess it up again I almost screamed out loud when she said the line YOU KNOW THE ONE


@OoBooksAreLifeoO It was awesome!! I loved it so freaking much


IM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! I was ready to devour it the second it was released but I’m waiting to watch it with my sisters, both of whom are the reason I read the books in the first place


@Calculator77 It does not disappoint 


I was only in Canada for a week but I think I’m suffering Tim’s withdrawals send help and coffee


@OoBooksAreLifeoO I have been in Canada for my entire life and I've only had Tim Hortons once in my entire life :D


@OoBooksAreLifeoO *sends coffee and a hug*


So another site is illegal copying wattpad works. Help shut it down here: https://chng.it/xCJPvQT77z 


@OoBooksAreLifeoO I shared it on a Discord server I'm on!


@OoBooksAreLifeoO yeah. i got on the website and my malware protection software lit up like a christmas tree sending me notifications. but it has all of my fanfics


@Calculator77 I found the petition on your profile, ty for sharing