
I just posted a new series:
          	Divergent Short Stories (Eric & Tris)
          	This will be updated with a new chapter every Friday until all series’s are completed.  I hope you check it out.
          	Happy reading!


For all who follow me and are interested, I’m planning on posting “A Different Divergent Tale (Eric &Tris)” on Friday and hopefully weekly for a while.  Thank you to everyone who reads, votes, adds to your lists, and comments on my stories.  I really do appreciate it.  Thanks for all of your encouragement and I hope you’re as excited about this story’s return as I am.  Thanks again!


Yay! I can’t wait to read more!


I’m about to make my Friday posts.  Who You Say I Am and Divergent One Shots will be up shortly.  The first is an especially powerful chapter—mostly the end of the chapter.  It is not the end of the story—far from it actually.  I hope you enjoy them.  
          On another note, I’m currently in the process of writing the sequel to Who You Say I Am.  Truth be told, I’m almost finished with it.  It still has a few chapters left but it’s close to completion.  
          I’m also still working on A Different Divergent Tale.  I have several chapters written and I’m still debating on where to go with it next.  It will take a bit of time for me to work on that so no updates currently.  Sorry to keep you waiting, I’m just wanting it to be good and well thought out.  
          Thanks for all your patience and enjoy!


I’ll be taking a break on publishing A Different Divergent Tale to write more chapters.  I’m currently rereading it and remembering what I wanted to write next.  
          I’ll still be posting my other two stories—Divergent One Shots (Eric & Tris) and Who You Say I Am (A Jai Courtney Fanfic).  I will continue to edit and post a chapter each Friday for those but the other currently needs my attention to write more.  
          I’m hoping that this will be a short break and I’ll keep everyone posted on how it’s going.  I do have several ideas of what I want to include.  I just need to get it down.  I appreciate your patience and I’ll do my best to write more chapters quickly.  I hope to start working on more soon.  Thanks for all if your support.  I appreciate it.  God Bless!


I’ll be posting my three series’s that I’m currently working on weekly on Fridays.  
          •A Different Divergent Tale (Eric & Tris)
          •Who You Say I Am (A Jai Courtney Fanfic)
          •Divergent One Shots (Eric & Tris)
          The one shots are the only one changing from daily to Fridays only—just letting everyone know.  The next story in there—I’m Sorry—is a nine part story and honestly my favorite so far in there.  I was actually crying while writing it—on par with the scene in Change of Heart where Hosanna tells Eric she’s Divergent (the me crying part).  Check it out if you’re interested.  I’ll be posting part one today and part two tomorrow.  After that, part three will be next week and so on.  
          Thanks for reading as always!


@Keepcalm1824 Thanks!  I’m honestly taking a bit of a break from that one for a while.  I would like to finish it someday but I want to at least have it written before I start editing and publishing more.  I have gone back several times and added to it.  Truth be told I’m on chapter 51 I think.  But I will putting it all together before publishing more—which means I need to reread the whole series prior to returning to it.  I don’t like to miss add-ins I’ve deliberately intended.  I find that if I publish a chapter at a time, I forget things and have to go back and insert them later.  I’m about to start writing more for my Eric and Tris fanfic.  I generally have a large buffer of chapters already written that just need editing.  Perhaps after I build that up, I’ll consider moving back to the other.  I do have the ending in my head and an epilogue—several more situations, in fact—but I’ll have to completely go over the whole series once more to not leave any vital plans out.  I guess my best response is I’ll try to in the near future. 


@Osara-chan will you continue to write the change of heart series? I really like that series 


I will be publishing my Divergent One Shots shortly.  They’ll be Eric and Tris stories.  If you’re interested, check them out. 
          I decided to break them up because they ran a little long so they’re in several pieces.  


I’ve got some Divergent One Shots I’ve written—five completed so far—and an idea to write at least one more with intentions for additional stories.  I’m looking to publish them but I’m curious for input.  
          Is anyone actually interested in reading them? 
          Are longer chapters too hard to get through and should I break them up into more manageable pieces?
          Let me know what you think!