
Everyone, Thank you very much for following me! I hope I am am worthy enough! Uhmm.. If you wouldn't mind, could you please take a look at my story, "A YEAR IN THE LIFE OF A DANDERE"? Thank you so much! Arigatou! 


Danderes ftw. Even in real life, I love em, I like seeing them change their emotions so cutely while thinking they aren't noticed :3
          Like, 1/4 of all my lady friends are danderes (and about 1/16th of guy friends), and they're fun :P
          Anyway, thanks for the follow. I hope you really enjoy reading my series, Starry Days & Sunlit Nights. I think you'll find at least a couple of characters you can relate to ^_^


Thankies, and thanks for opening up there :D


Hai Otaku-kun! How are you? PHLEEESSE update soon! I'm gonna die xxx Loves you piles, Nu-Chan! Arigatou!


@AnimeNu123 hi!I am just so busy .. you know homeworks and final exams and stuff. I will try to update soon! I am glad to know you liked my story! Anyways, have a nice day!


Hai Otaku-kun!  I changed my account as my other one, I can't remember the password haha. Do you mind if you could follow this one. I just followed yours on this one, don't worry. Lurve you Otaku-kun! -Nu ! ! 


@AnimeNu123 thanks! :)
            have a great day!


By the way Otaku-kun,  I read your bio. Studio Ghibli does count as anime as it's Japanese animation!  I hope this helped you. -Nu ! ! 