
Here is it...I need a new account I WANT  A NEW ACCOUNT and I WILL have a new account ...Blood flower is the name I will be posting in it from now on bye✨...


@Otamy130613  hey there this is my new account it's DOPE for me it will be my official writing account 


Happy happiest year every one hope you all a great year never forget oir brothers and sisters in gaza may god be with them
          Happy new year to my lil vivi sis be happy and keep on slaying and being the savage that you are and I love you so much from the geart of my bottom to the bottom of my heart @zaddychannie9719
          And happy new year to the love of my life andmy bestie to keep on being the keeper of my heart so I won't give it to who don't deserve it I love you and I will always do @KhadidjaBoukhedimi


@Otamy130613 aww ilyt sissy ♡♡♡♡ you also keep slaying as always 


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I stole my dads phone just to come back yall o(╥﹏╥)o 
          So about my ex best friend 
          She is following me those days to know who are my new friends... BRUH can't she just leave me alone!! We didn't met for a year and now she wants to know who are my friends WHY!!  
          Her brother is in the same class as my bestie so she asked him to get her insta... This mother fucker is really looking for trouble right now cause we were a trio and you left... Nothing is wrong people leave and come what ever but making rumors and talk shit about me? Tracking ne to know who I am with? And trying to go back with khadidja again?? Bitch Imma krack your neck for real!
          The most shitty thing about everything is that I can't get her out of my mind I dream of her almost everyday this last month since she get to high school and it's worst that her class is right Opposite to mine 
          I CAN'T!! 
          I know it's bad to just come back to nag but I just need someone to tell


Everyone and everytwo three...Listeeeeeen
          I will unpublish my stories because school is coming my phone will be taken and I don't want to leave y'all waiting...Thanks ✨❣️
          الى الجميييييع اسمعو و عو و كل الكلمات 
          راح الغي نشر رواياتي عشان المدرسة قربت و ماما بتاخذ الفون و ما احب اخليكم بنص رواية و ما تقدرون تكملون و كذا سو يب شكخا اراكم العام القادم احبكم كلكم ♡✨❣️


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My ex best friend is coming to my high school 
          She failed the last middle school year so she is on her first high school year and I am on the second 
          But the thing is that we will meet each other in a way or another 
          Give me a tip to not rip her head out of her body or to not take her eyes out of her face with my hands...Or even to not be a bully and ruin her life 
          Tell me how to be patient and not make her feel the hurt that she made me feel and act like she never knew me for 3years 
          Give me something ...PAAAALEEEEEAAAAASSSEEEEE .  I guess Im'ma go cry...SHIT FUCK HER I HATE HER SO MUUUCH (T_T) 


@jypapiskz they are but I learnt that hoes and bitches does not deserve my tears and sadness so I just stopped caring 


@ Otamy130613  oh wow, I've had similar experiences so I can relate cuz they are real hoes tbh


@jypapiskz she really deserves it 
            Every time she accidentally saw me in the road she will turn her face and act like she didn't see me
            My neighbor is her classmate she asked her about me and my bestie(khadidja) she said she never heard of those names and she don't kniw us....What a hoe she is!!!! 


Y'all wanna know  what I finally decided after this long time no appearing
          So it's  been like two weeks since I appeared here 
          And I took this time to think ...Well I actually over thinked everything happened in my life
          So I came out with a lot of things 
          First:I won't make friends ever again ...They r toxic and I already have my best lovely bestie so I need nothing and no one but her
          Second is :I'll trust no one from now on not even my mom...She did a lot already .I'll never try and think to trust her...Nor other people 
          Third: I will put all my energy in school and studying this year for real I won't be fooling around joking or something 
          Fourth : maybe u know but if you don't I had a gf last year and we broke up...We kept being friends but in somehow she still have a crush on me while I don't like her nor her company cause during our relationship all she wanted to do is to f...Uck me and she was 14 bro ....And I was just15 but nooo she kept trying and she made it worst when she told my crush who was my guy friend for two years that I liked him so he started being awkward and started avoiding me
          I decided that It's the end for any relationship with her no Friendship nothing at all
          That will be hard yeah but me deciding to let go of someone who is hurting me mentally is one of my greatest decisions 
          I'm posting this just to remind my self about what I want to do and make it straight to me that I can do anything if I want
          And so you can


@jypapiskz that's cause I dont know how to answer when I receive nice words o(╥﹏╥)o (◍•ᴗ•◍) ❤ 


@ Otamy130613 ty love <3 and btw you're very welcome!