


this message may be offensive
For a while I thought the whole wing au thing was a bit weird, I never judged the stories that had them, I would just click off and leave. I won't leave a ride comment cause I'm not an asshole unlike some people.
          But I saw a Twitter post and I stated to think about the whole wings au idea a little more. I'm slightly starting to see the appeal.


I wrote another crack chapter. And I want to turn the upcoming chapter into a book but it's going to include a lot of components from my one shot book so it'll be confusing for some readers who haven't read my one shot book but I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'm making a new chapter that will not be released any time soon and because I'm going to be working on it throughout these days where class is cancelled and I'm in an empty apartment cause I can't visit my mom but I'm still going to be working on it for like the next month. It's going to be around 25,000 to 30,000 words and I will possibly to turn it into a full book.
          Until then I'm going to release another Batfam on crack chapter to give you a few laughs, whether you are laughing at the joke or my bad writing it'll keep you entertained for a few moments. 


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@Ouat0418_Al_Ghul and in a rare occurrence Bruce won't be an asshole or a completely horrible father.


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Jason: hey Damian
          Damian: What?
          Jason: your dad is white and your mom is half Arab half Chinese, right
          Damian: what are you going on and you already know this
          Jason: so technically you are more white then you are Arab
          Damian: . . . That just ruined my whole fucking day


I think I might start writing on AO3.
          I have so story ideas that are very illegal and very weird and I don't want to post it on my regular book nor do I want to post it on this page. All of you will definitely loose all of your little respect you have on me.