Make sure to check the continuation of the 30-Day-OTP  challenge - NightKiller here https://www.wattpad.com/story/335829127-30-day-otp-challenge-continuation-killermare!!


Hi everyone! Just wanted to say that I'll probably stop updating on Wattpad. I have now moved onto Ao3, it's a lot easier to navigate and honestly the people there are a lot more supportive of our type of fandom. I go by Potato_Queen_23 in ao3 and have the same profile pic. I'll still update but rarely.


When you have been struggling your whole life with speaking and wondering why. And your mother finally tells you that it's because you have Dyslalia. LIKE EXCUSE ME!? I THINK IT'S PRETTY IMPORTANT TO KNOW ABOUT INFORMATION LIKE THAT.


@POTATO_QUEEN_WEY- Welcome (officially) to the club :)


Yes 30 Day OTP challenge is currently unpublished, not erased. I am currently rewriting it. Firstly off, why tf did young me write that sh*t. And secondly, why tf did you read that sh*t??? Pls be patient while I rewrite this. Won't take long because I'll keep the chapters short. Thanks for understanding, byeeeeeeeeeeee


Hi! Can all of you please complete this form? It's for my 10th-grade personal project, it's really important. It gives a small explanation of what the personal project is in case you're wondering what it is. Thank you!!!!