
I can't stop wondering what the heck makes this novel so amazing. I'm not talking about the plot itself, but the whole thing as a package. It's the most incredible book I've ever read! Seriously, it's up there with the best international novels out there!
          I've been reading this novel for a year and a half now, and my love and excitement for it haven't diminished one bit. The author is a master storyteller, crafting captivating events, characters, and their reactions to everything that happens in the story. It's mind-blowing! I'm not exaggerating when I say that the vivid descriptions in this novel make me feel like I'm watching a Hollywood movie. I can almost feel like I'm there with the characters, experiencing everything that happens to them. This is something that's hard to find in most novels, even international ones.


@ply_567_ We all agree on one thing here, and that's addiction.. This novel's addiction is crazy!! I always share quotes from the novel and it attracts a lot of people asking about its name, but I really respect X's wish not to publish it ever.


@tahava3 seriously I can't put my finger on what EXACTLY got us all hooked for this book because it's INSANE, even tho a lot of people praise the story telling and the plot , BUT if you think about it there's SOMETHING else about this one that makes sooooo special for all of us what it just ✨ perfect ✨ in world where nothing else is perfect .


تكون قرفان و كرهان حالك يجي واحد يصلح لك اخطائك الإملائية ... لما اغلط بكتابة شي مش ضروري تصلحلي دامك مش اكس و شكرا احتفظ بمهاراتك لنفسك 


@l29299 نسيتي الهمزة و نسيتي التاء المربوطة حاطتلي ضمير متصل هاء 


@l29299 الإبتدائية* صلحي زين حب ✨


@Ass_727 انا اولردي مش متضايقة منهم بس هم وضعهم محرج لان لو بدهم يتكلموا عن الاخطاء فينهم يصلحوا الاخطاء الاملائية يلي بالرواية لان في كتير و عادي يعني مش خطأ مرات واحد يغلط ويحط حرف بدل حرف بس هم خايفين يسوا هالشي مع اكس و يبلعو بلوك ههههههه


بصراحة ما الوم حبسه الكتابه حقت اكس لانو بصراحة مريت فيها ولازلت وموقفه تحديث روايتي من نهاية ٢٠٢٣، بس قاده اسوي لها تدقيق وتحسين واضيع وقت فيه.
          My heart with you girl 


تحسو نهايته سعيد. 
          فالري / ليا 


@ ne_tae  
            لا تحسي، اكس قالت انها مابتموت 


@ tahava3  اتوقع فالري مدري بعد


@ tahava3  ما ادري ليش بس احس راح تكون نهاية ليا موت بسبب تهورها