
Okay I’m not saying that Conan Gray is Sirius Black but I’m kind of saying Conan gray is Sirius Black


@PattyTheDaddy Ah, it be like that sometimes. Quite the find 


@CoRrUpEd-Ayadin same I was just scrolling through his instagram and I was like “that’s kind of a Sirius photo” and then I just kept seeing it. 


@PattyTheDaddy Hmmm, yeah I can see it. Never really thought about it but I can kinda see it. 


Okay I’m not saying that Conan Gray is Sirius Black but I’m kind of saying Conan gray is Sirius Black


@PattyTheDaddy Ah, it be like that sometimes. Quite the find 


@CoRrUpEd-Ayadin same I was just scrolling through his instagram and I was like “that’s kind of a Sirius photo” and then I just kept seeing it. 


@PattyTheDaddy Hmmm, yeah I can see it. Never really thought about it but I can kinda see it. 


this message may be offensive
Lol so I’m low key not living my best life. Having a hard time eating properly due to not being given food as a kid. I’m trying to stop hoarding food but I don’t know how. Anyone got any ideas, because ya girl is out here fainting and shit.


I'm so done right now.
          I have to start school tomorrow and I can't help but to dread it.
          School has never been a positive place for me.
          Though I was not bullied I was subjected to teasing every now or then.
          Almost always things I cant control, my weight, skin color, height, name, etc.
          More recently from 8-10 grade it's been nothing but aggravation and tears
          (I moved to Texas in 8th grade and I was subjected to culture shock, ignorant comments, underline racial comments, physical violence, and more).
          It was hard enough before just being black with an ethnic name in a predominantly white school and city. 
          But since quarantine all my little quirks and symptoms have been amplified.
          Now I have noticeable ticks, I get sensory overload much easier, My tactile sensitivity is still up and kicking, and my brain just shuts down at any stress.
          So yay I get to go to a school filled with assholes so they can poke me more than they did before because I can't control the fact that my neck is trying to snap itself. I'll probably get told that I'm faking it for attention and I need to stop making fun of people.
          I just can't wait for it.


@PattyTheDaddy Yeah... And remember: resist and ignore. Well that's what I do, altho I'm used to it now. And again all the best for today. You can do it.


@Miraculous_TeenTitan I appreciate and understand where you’re coming from. I’m just worried I’ll black out a hurt someone because I’ve come close to it before. Thank you for the luck and I’ll be sure to tell you if anything happens.


@PattyTheDaddy oh girl... those assholes who bully you are really not worth it. Just ignore them and they'll go away. The more attention you give them, the more they get the 'drama' to satisfy themselves. So yeah, just let them bark all they want, don't even stand there to listen what they're saying. They'll probably get bored. And pls don't take it the wrong way, I'm talking from experience. The more you want to protest and stand up, the more drama they get. So it's better to prevent any type of embarrassment for ourselves and the fact that every 'friends' seemed to be blind just proved the amount of lies I was living in. If you've got friends who actually stand by u, you're really lucky. I really don't want you in pain... you're my friend and I wish you best of luck for tomorrow. 
            Ik I can't be there for you physically to stand by you but I'm always here if you need me.


I just looked at my drafts and realized I write a lot of dark stuff. I promise a lot of these were inspired by post or episodes of tv shows or just random concepts. If I don't write them they'll be all I think about. So, just keep in mind when I start posting new stories that I'm fine these are just ideas or concepts.


So quick question, if for instance the thought of suicide crossed your mind but you quickly dismissed it should you still be concerned? And how can you tell if it’s an intrusive thought vs an actual thought. 
          Also if you are hyper aware of something your doing that can be classified as self harm is it for attention. 


Okay thanks for the input 


@PattyTheDaddy ok so first of all so so soooo sorry for not being there as I've been busy lately. And second, well, suicidal thoughts are very common in us teenagers. Most of the time we are super moody especially girls at THAT time of month and all so it depends on the situation you are in... Cause sometimes we get furious just because mother won't let us watch our fav show and think I wanna die... But it shouldn't be taken lightly if the situation is serious like bulling and depression. At that time we should stay very very conscious of what we're doing, cause at that time we sometimes aren't aware what we're doing to ourselves and things seem to happen out of blue and it's very dangerous. And if you're hyper aware of what you're doing then either the pain is unbearable and at that time you think whatever you're doing it's the right thing or yea, maybe to grab attention cause no one harms themselves being fully conscious... But I'm not an expert in these things so the reason may vary.