
Looking for an editor for an original story.
          	Avaible: From time to time, I'm slow with writing
          	Method: Google docs/One drive online
          	Needed: correcting grammatical and other errors, sentence flow, overall opinions (English native preferred) 
          	DM me here or comment below
          	Story info:
          	Genre: Fantasy, apocalypse, dark, friendship? 
          	Rating: Unsure yet (cursing= yes, porn= no) 
          	Chapter lengths: ca. 1500-3000 words


Looking for an editor for an original story.
          Avaible: From time to time, I'm slow with writing
          Method: Google docs/One drive online
          Needed: correcting grammatical and other errors, sentence flow, overall opinions (English native preferred) 
          DM me here or comment below
          Story info:
          Genre: Fantasy, apocalypse, dark, friendship? 
          Rating: Unsure yet (cursing= yes, porn= no) 
          Chapter lengths: ca. 1500-3000 words


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Look I know this will sound stupid but for Cross testing permitted could you make another timeline of the events that took place. When it gets to page 5, SCP-049 got to Dr.Lywen and "cured ' her. Torvic was corrupted by the Rage the anger fear.... He tackles the doctor and says to him "I'm gonna make you feel my pain" the doctor scoffs at this. ADRENALIN RUSH He rapes the doctor for raping him and you can decide how this goes after! (This is so stupid why do I do this.)


@Shockwave4331 oh wow 00:
            im surprised by this idea, and while I find it cool that you took the time to think abuout this as well as seem to like my story would Torvic never hurt someone since he swore that when he became a doctor and is in general a true pacifist
            however, i could imagine it in another AU/AT where Torvic is maybe not a complete saint (:
            i do not think i would write this since im busy with my other stories and I just see him as an innocent bean haha
            this AU Toriv would be more likely to do such a thing :D