
What if I was able to lucid dream my books when I'm sleeping that would be amazing wouldn't it!!




@roblox3399s oh ok thanks. I'm alive


@roblox3399s nothin really. Wanted to see if u were alive️️


@roblox3399s aghhhhck can I ever answer someone right away for once Im sooo sorry but anyways how can I help you?


so you know how I'm trying to redo a book well I only finished 7 short chapters and I started working on the 8th chapter. So sorry I'm not far BUT I DO HAVE AN EXCUSE... I broke my phone and now I'm using my sister's old barely working tablet BUT I might get a new useable phone THIS WEEKEND.


So this random guy friended me in snapchat so I was like uh ok it might be fun to talk to him so we talked for about 30 minutes and he asked me if I would send him a picture of the code on my gift card and I was like why and he said he would be able to give me $200 IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE OR IS HE TRYING TO SCAM ME I DON'T KNOW!?!?!?!!?!???


I need help... People who read my new updates of rainbow dash sad life. You know that I'm going to rewrite the story but I don't know if I should make a new book for the new story or should I just use the old book for the new story.
          I honestly do not know if I'm making sense at all but I would love people to comment what they think.