Well.... I don't know... Umm... Stories coming soon... I haven't been on in awhile due to the fact that I always forget my password and I end up making a new account like every 3 months. 
Things about me...
-I like drawing my favorite celebrities
-I love music. My music ranges from deathmetal to Cher. (Yeah, very weird)
-I'm not the best writer, but I try.
-I spend my life roleplaying, on Tumblr, Facebook, YouTube, stalking celebrities on Twitter.
-I don't update often. (Mainly because I have a sister who sits her ass by the computer while her iPod in charging and she watched what I do and questions everything! Asshole.)
-I rant alot and I can get very scary when I'm angry.
-I have a girlfriend who live in Canada. Her name is Natasha.
-Cher is my idol and spirit animal. She is also my bitch.
-I'm lesbian

Okay. I'm running out of things to say about myself. If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask. I'll honestly. And if I don't want to disclose anything, I'll tell you.
  • Cher's bedroom
  • JoinedDecember 19, 2013
