Call me Knaps; everyone does. 
An avid obsessor of plot twists and parallel universes, you'll generally find me sitting in a dark cupboard, scribbling my nonsense in a notebook or reading something from Feynman under the light of a flashlight, and pondering over my ever-present existential crisis.
Or, when I'm not lurking in the dark, you'll find me on a tennis court, where I become a completely different person(and no, I don't think I have multiple personality disorder). Better not try to talk to me unless I've come from a tennis session; tennis extroverts me, so when I'm all sweaty and smiley, I should be friendly enough. If you stir me up when I'm in my cupboard, all you'll get is a long, boring lecture on some topic or another that will yeet you right into Professor Binn's classroom.
Although, if you're a geek like me, perhaps you'll be perfectly welcome to sit and lecture with me.
Well, see ya geeks. I need to go back to my cupboard and do some more reading.
Have a nice day, y'all.
  • a black hole/ your bedroom closet
  • DołączyłJuly 3, 2023

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