
Good day my dear readers~
          	I do hope that you’ve all been well.
          	Today I have a question for you all, I was curious to know which type of perspective you all enjoy and find most engaging?


Happy new year my dear readers~ 
          May you all have a year filled with happiness and success and may all of you be blessed with great health as well, do make sure you stay safe, well hydrated and rested~ 
                                                                   - Sincerely your author N


Good day to you all my dear readers~ today I have come to inform you that I am currently doing some extra editing on the published chapters of Hyssopus, correcting some typos and perhaps a confusions and as always, I am still working on this book and will continue to do so, I shall keep my promise to you all and update this book.
                                                                   - Sincerely your author N


I have been thinking this over, and I have decided that the pen name "ivory rose" is certainly not a befitting pen name for me, so from now on, I shall go by a far simpler pen name, and I have also edited/updated my author's note in hyssopus, so from now on, I shall be going by the pen name "N" 
          - Sincerely Your Author N