
 #ForbiddenLove   Is it my soul doing a somersault?
          	   Or has the time come to a halt?
          	   Or is it the moment between us that feels amazing?
          	   For your's is the only name that now I can sing.
          	  Is it the moon tonight, that looks more illuminated?
          	  Or is it the heart of mine, that feels the need to be felicitated?
          	  For there is a peaceful light , glowing all inside and around me,
          	  Or is it, that love is the light, just like it is meant to be? 
          	  Is it something really beautiful about this normal season?
          	  Or is it my lips, that have decided to keep smiling for no reason?
          	  Is some lovely pleasure allowed to the human beings in this way,
          	  They they get the privilege of the cold, shining stars , on a scorching day?
          	  Am I affected with a disease which has no cure?
          	 Or , is it a mere illusion of mine, that is devilishly pure?
          	 One last time, allow me to ponder over this , for now,
          	 Is this a feeling, that the mortals name it as, love?


 #ForbiddenLove   Is it my soul doing a somersault?
             Or has the time come to a halt?
             Or is it the moment between us that feels amazing?
             For your's is the only name that now I can sing.
            Is it the moon tonight, that looks more illuminated?
            Or is it the heart of mine, that feels the need to be felicitated?
            For there is a peaceful light , glowing all inside and around me,
            Or is it, that love is the light, just like it is meant to be? 
            Is it something really beautiful about this normal season?
            Or is it my lips, that have decided to keep smiling for no reason?
            Is some lovely pleasure allowed to the human beings in this way,
            They they get the privilege of the cold, shining stars , on a scorching day?
            Am I affected with a disease which has no cure?
           Or , is it a mere illusion of mine, that is devilishly pure?
           One last time, allow me to ponder over this , for now,
           Is this a feeling, that the mortals name it as, love?


Readers! I updated my story, "As A Matter Of 'Height' " Here's the link :) is the 7th chapter in the book, and guess what? For a whole 24 hours, this book was #29 on the Humor section on Wattpad, out of 3000 books! Now, it is #749 in the ChickLit section on Wattpad! Kudos to all my readers! Thank you ! I love you ALL! ♥ Now, keep clam and read on! (If you want to, even though it's free of cost :P ) <3


I updated "As A Matter Of 'Height' " some hours ago . It took a lot of hard from my side to produce that chapter which you are going to read . So, if you like it , please vote, comment, do anything.. maybe tweet me , but please let me know that you liked it :) If you have any suggestions regarding the chapter or the story as a whole, please feel free to comment or send me a message. I will make sure that I reply to everyone :) I really need your support , your opinions right now, really! :) If you want to leave a tweet , my userID on Twitter is @ZaynsMirrorItIs ...You can also shoot me a message on Facebook . Anything will do :) Just let me know that you are there .. Oh! And before I completely forget, here's the LINK to the new chapter: Enjoy! :D I love you readers loads! <3 


Dudes and Dudettes! (My readers) "As A Matter Of 'Height' " was #599 on ChickLit section of Wattpad yesterday... and today, it is at #512 !! :D I am so happy! And this all has become possible just because of you people, all my readers! I love you so much that words fail me at describing it! I am forever grateful to you . I owe you readers a lot of entertaining, as well as informative chapters... I owe you rollercoaster ride of all the myriad emotions :) Get ready for it... put your seatbelts on! The ride is about to begin! And for the riders that are new to the ride, check out the journey of Agatha in "As A Matter Of 'Height' " :D Love all my readers - To Infinity and Beyond! <3 Do tell me what you think of the story! :D Enjoy!! :* :)