I'm a nineteen year old South African just moved to North Carolina. With learning disabilities and chronic illness, I only began reading and writing fluently when I was fourteen. Since then I haven't stopped. This book is my first and only work. My third draft. Only my tutor has read it. She specializes with twice exceptional students: dyslexic and gifted. Although I do extensive edits, she helped form the final version. Yet I'm open to criticism! I want to know what the world thinks of what to me is just a release but might be amusing to somebody else. I'm aware it is far from perfection. Since six, history and English have been my passion. I listened to Austen, Bronte, Heyer, Dickens, and Forester while my friends read Famous Five and played computer games. The tail end of the Napoleonic Wars, which includes the Regency, is my jam. 
Percy Penworth is not my real name😉
And I like likes😊 So star me those star! 👍🏻👌🏻
  • انضمSeptember 2, 2017

الرسالة الأخيرة
PercyPenworth PercyPenworth Jan 23, 2019 09:05PM
To provide a better reading experience, I am dividing my longer chapters into two parts, which includes splitting previous publications 
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Percy Penworth
Courtship by Combat بقلم PercyPenworth
Courtship by Combat
Historical context: By the time the Powers had caged Napoleon Bonaparte (Boney) his armies had ravaged all Eu...
Napoleon: Emperor of Elba  بقلم PercyPenworth
Napoleon: Emperor of Elba
Paris has fallen. Europe is in ruins. The man responsible? Napoleon Bonaparte, short, morose, dictatorial, co...
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