
Assalam O Alaikum!
          	With a confetti in hand, I'm happy to vocalize that Chapter 18 of Darkness And Desolation is posted.
          	I had aimed to update on New Year to provide my precious followers and readers with a New Year celebration, but unluckily there was some problem with updating the chapter why I got delayed a day. Anyways if you enjoy the chapter, make sure to vote and leave your comments.
          	Petal Edge :)


Assalam O Alaikum!
          With a confetti in hand, I'm happy to vocalize that Chapter 18 of Darkness And Desolation is posted.
          I had aimed to update on New Year to provide my precious followers and readers with a New Year celebration, but unluckily there was some problem with updating the chapter why I got delayed a day. Anyways if you enjoy the chapter, make sure to vote and leave your comments.
          Petal Edge :)


Assalam O Alaikum.
          With the deepest depths of heart, I wish a grand "Happy New Year!" from my side to everyone from my friends, followers, to readers and also visitors. 
          As we all know, it had been a distressingly chaotic year, especially for the Muslim community. We've seen a great amount of disputes and erosion on both international and national level. Whether, its the political crisis in Pakistan or the horrendous war in Palestine, our mobiles and minds both have been occupied with the ongoing news throughout the year.
          However, since every hardship is accompanied with relief, so definitely where we might have experienced a substantial amount of pain, there must have been joyful episodes around us too and relishing those beautiful memories is what makes life worth living and hoping for.
          So let's all of us hope that the rise of the new sun brings dazzling rays of bliss and ataraxy for the entire mankind. Let's purify our hearts from every evilness of rage, grudge, pride, arrogance, envy and embrace a new ambience of serenity and sincerity to start this year. Let's terminate our differences and embrace unity for the betterment of both our nation and religion. 
          Let's pray for the forgiveness of our sins and step positively towards a purposeful life. Ameen.
          And don't forget to shower your wishes on the characters of Darkness And Desolation, so they get motivated to run the story ;)
          And don't forget to remember this novice author in your prayers and happiness. *_*
          Petal Edge ♥


Rose Lips and Gracile Rose,
            Thank you and same to you ♥


@Petal-Edge Ameen on your every wish!
            Happy new year to you too. May Allah always be your support and help you throughout. Keep Smiling and Stay Safe. Ameen! :)


@Petal-Edge You made me cry from this note *Wiping fake tears*
            Happy new year dear lovely author! Wish you all the best for this year and ahead! 


Is anyone in wait for the next chapter of Darkness And Desolation?


@Petal-Edge I can already see a haze of the upcoming chapter.
            Not my fault. You always does this. And ypu can't imagine, you've just asked nearly about my running breaths.
            Eagerly waiting for getting to know more about my long lost favs, Iyaad and Ayzel.
            Warning: Do not make me wait long. Otherwise *wiping tears, I'll not mention again but mutely wait.



InshaAllah, seems interesting. 


          Assalam O Alaikum! 
          Hope everyone's fine and fit.
          Chapter 17 of Darkness And Desolation is updated and available for reading on the page. If anyone like it, don't forget to vote and leave your valuable comments. Happy Winter!
          Petal Edge :)


Assalam O Alaikum!
          Wishing everyone security and serenity.
          Chapter 16 of Darkness And Desolation is posted after a short delay. Get geared up and drive into it and don't forget to share your valuable feedbacks in the comments.
          Note: I wanna mention one crucial point here. I've edited a few points in the previous chapters and I've decided to just pen down the changes here as I know re-reading the chapters wil be a hectic task...
          • The result ceremony was actually held after the vacations in September and Huda was supposed to be leaving in a week following that for her wedding.
          Have a pleasant reading time and remember Palestine in all your prayers and efforts.
          Petal Edge :)