
General Announcement!
          	Hello, lovely readers ^-^
          	Please, take a look at my reading list. you'll find all LBC English translation works. 
          	Some were hard to spot bc they're tittles and book covers are a bit random but all really great works!
          	You can read the whole novel by going trough them works. There should be seven in total including mine.
          	You can find CH 51-81 from  @ThatLBCStan 
          	For now
          	I'll be taking my time to translate the whole LBC novel and I'm still open for any other requests out there.
          	Thank you guys, I hope you're all doing well during this time. 
          	I'm doing quite well, busy with hobbies but a bit bored :/
          	Take care! Feel free to message me at anytime. <3
          	I'm @Pinkmilkbubblegum on every social media.


Where can i read the other chapters. From the starting. Please help me


@suvitarajasgeran  Yeah, trying to share wattpad stories is a struggle. They really need to fix that. It's no bother tho. It's called 'My accidental love is you' and the Author is Aashanaa33. I've added it to my reading list as well.


@PinkMilkBubbleGum thank you so much. But it shows this page got lost. Can u send me the name of the story and author of the story. Sorry for troubling you. 


Please translate chapter 55  if you have time na... Btw thanks for translating the novel we love you P'❤️


Thank you for the update 




General Announcement!
          Hello, lovely readers ^-^
          Please, take a look at my reading list. you'll find all LBC English translation works. 
          Some were hard to spot bc they're tittles and book covers are a bit random but all really great works!
          You can read the whole novel by going trough them works. There should be seven in total including mine.
          You can find CH 51-81 from  @ThatLBCStan 
          For now
          I'll be taking my time to translate the whole LBC novel and I'm still open for any other requests out there.
          Thank you guys, I hope you're all doing well during this time. 
          I'm doing quite well, busy with hobbies but a bit bored :/
          Take care! Feel free to message me at anytime. <3
          I'm @Pinkmilkbubblegum on every social media.


Hello General Announcement here
          On popular requests I will be translating ch:50-55 next. These chapters include the TinCan movie scene. 
          And will be holding off on the special ending chapters for now. 
          The Primary Initial Goal of This work Is to Help Everyone Complete reading LBC Novel One Way or the Other. 
          Those earlier Chapters take higher priority because it helps people advance through the novel. 
          Thank you, for understanding. I will have those chapters out here soon, please look forward to it. ^-^ 


After finishing this novel, Can you translate "my engineer" novel too?


@HadiyaHoney thanks for your answer


@HadiyaHoney I'm not sure if I can, since I'm translating from spanish to english. 
            But I don't doubt that there isn't a spanish translation out there.
            But, It'll take a while to get to it too so, I can't give you a solid answer at the moment.
            We'll see what I can do. Okay? (^ᴗ^) 
            Though, It really makes me happy to hear that you want to me to translate other works too ^-^ 
            Thank you, feels good you know.