
Heyyyy guyssss, how are youuuu? 
          	Just dropped a new book, first chapter is out second in progress.....I was waiting until 3 chapters to publish it but i was so excited so check it outttt 
          	Also I just started a youtube channel so dm me for the name if your interested.



Thank you Sia for adding I'm a Cyborg's Pet into that nifty reading list . OK that's a bit odd thanking you for that but it feels like a real vote of confidence and I can't tell you how good that feels. but as new writers always get a buzz every time someone discovers our work Please enjoy the book. 
          We send you a box set of hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener lol, your welcome....great book btw


Heyyyy guyssss, how are youuuu? 
          Just dropped a new book, first chapter is out second in progress.....I was waiting until 3 chapters to publish it but i was so excited so check it outttt 
          Also I just started a youtube channel so dm me for the name if your interested.