
Hilo, everyone!
          	There will be a lil hold on "For All the Bad I've Done" due to the fact that, long story short, I got bitten by a dog on my hand so it's hard to type!! The chapter is sooo close to being finished though, so stay tuned! ^^


has you died-
          i miss you and your story D;;;


            I'm so glad you haven't died yet- you is too young-
            I'm excited to see how the story is going to go! I'll just read more edgy wattpad stories while i wait >:3


@PaigeIoime I'm sorry!! I haven't died or anything but I've been terribly busy. Besides that I've also been working on a legitimate storyline :0


Hilo, everybody!
          I just published the first chapter of "For All the Bad I've Done" and if you could pop in and read it, as well as leave an honest comment, that would mean a lot to me!
          I'd also like to add that I'm very, very close to finished with chapter 2, so that should be up soon!
          Thanks! Have a wonderful night/day! <3