- 14 jaar jong | 14 years young-
-Nederlands | Dutch-
-Kan niet leven zonder Muziek | Can't life without Music-
- @MoonYoungster Luff you so much K mis je super erg, nu we niet meer bij elkaar in de klas zitten Gelukkig blijven we afspreken. Je blijft Altijd mn beste vriendin die iemand kan wensen ❤-
-Meer hoef je niet te weten :) | More you don't have to know :)-

Favoriete Quotes | Favorite Quotes
-It ain't about how hard you can hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward - Rocky Balboa-
-NOW if you know what you're WORTH then get out and get what you're Worth - Rocky Balboa-
-The only RESPECT that MATTERS is SELF respect - Rocky Balboa-
- Sometimes the Wrong things bring You to the Right places-
- 1 thing 2 do, 3 words, 4 you, I LOVE YOU-
- I wish, I was better at telling people how I really feel-
- H.O.P.E | Hold On Pains End-
  • Bij Pizza or in bed
  • JoinedNovember 5, 2016
