
i fcking lied


this message may be offensive
“wanna know something, i’m a bottom for you, i want you to hit me and mess with me all you want. i want to be a fucking slave for you, step on me, spit in my mouth, tell me you hate me and then kiss me, i want you to love me while doing the opposite physically”


i had a dream about her.
          we were at this spot called ‘Halfway’ and we were watching the stars and it was a bright night because of the moon and it was so warm you wouldn’t believe it was winter and it started snowing but the snow was weird looking but still pretty and then i looked at her and smiled and i put my hand on her cheek and then i woke up blushing and smiling hard and uncontrollably i felt butterflies in my stomach:)


i asked her to clear up what she said and she said she may or may not like me and then she’s like MAYBE WHO KNOWS and now i’m like alil confused and i said i don’t believe her and she said why and i said because i’m me and then she said that : 
          ik you’re you, that’s exactly why
          and my heart is about to explode-


OH and she made a meme lol i love memes
          it was andy from toy story saying i don’t want to play with you anymore with buzz light year in my hand and woody getting dropped on the floor so in this case she put my pfp on andy’s face and my new friend on the buzz light year and her face on the woody and i was like: awwww are you jealous?
          and she’s like :iiii didn’t say thaaat
          and then i said: WELLLL OK THEN
          and when she first sent that meme i couldn’t stop laughing for like 5 minutes straight and every time i think about it i let out a chuckle. and i said she’s my number 1 anyways after we calmed down;
          her: that meme is elite
          me: it’s top tier


recently i made a new friend, it’s kinda childish story on how we became friends lol 
          we met on an among us room made by our mutual friend and we really hit it off lmao and my friend actually asked me to follow him but i was too shy.
          but a couple days later i added them and they texted me first saying: hewwo with that bottom emoji
          and i said hello back and then a couple days later he asked me if i wanted to be friends and i said yes and i told my crush about it and she knew him and followed each other, she was like “wow and they didn’t do that with me” and i just laughed.


          this one was at like 2am 
          me:hi, r u still awake?
          and she saw it right away 
          her: are you gonna ask me the same question??
          (i think she meant the crush thing)
          and i was confused and oblivious as always
          me: i don’t know what question you’re talking about tbh lol
          her: bruh insert laughing face emoji
          her: imma sleep
          and i said: what question are you talking about?? tell me pls
          and then she just sent a laughing face emoji
          just noticed i didn’t say goodnight to her like i always do, fck i’m gonna do it rn
          five minutes later spongebob squarepants thing 
          she thought i was going back to bed she said she was confused lol anyways