
ok im no longer really on this site anymore but since I still have a few friends on here, uh well, plz don't call me NyaChan. I don't know how to change my @ but uh if you're gonna like have a bit talking to me, plz just refer to me as N. Why? Because gosh fricken dangit, NyaChan is not a good name ':D I honestly remembered that Kawaii Chan exists a few days ago and well that kinda reminded me that NyaChan was a terrible name why did I think naming my sona this was smart... and then my gacha oc the exact same name. yeesh im glad I renamed them both.




ok im no longer really on this site anymore but since I still have a few friends on here, uh well, plz don't call me NyaChan. I don't know how to change my @ but uh if you're gonna like have a bit talking to me, plz just refer to me as N. Why? Because gosh fricken dangit, NyaChan is not a good name ':D I honestly remembered that Kawaii Chan exists a few days ago and well that kinda reminded me that NyaChan was a terrible name why did I think naming my sona this was smart... and then my gacha oc the exact same name. yeesh im glad I renamed them both.




Hey, i dont use wattpad anymore really, pretty sure my like... no content at all can show that, but eh. Anyways, im just gonna say this- 
          If you haven’t listened to any music by Wilbur Soot, plz go check him out, i don't care if it's like a song from his album 'Your City Gave Me Athsma' or maybe one of his singles like 'The Internet Ruined Me' just please go listen to his music.
          Now im going out again, i only have this app for friend reasons honestly :p


okay, this is for you. read this message until the end, it's adorable. i sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. when i asked why, the angel said "angels don't watch over other angles." twenty angels are on this weekend. ten are sleeping, nine are playing, and one is reading this message. god has seen you struggling with some things, and god says "it's over." a blessing is coming your way. if you believe in god, send this to 14 friends, including me. if i don't get one back, i guess i'm not one of them. as soon as you get five replies, someone you love will surprise you. not joking. pass this message on. please don't ignore it. you are being tested and god is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor. if you believe in god, drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW will be the best day of your life. DON'T BREAK THIS CHAIN. SEND THIS TO 14 FRIENDS IN TEN MINUTES. IT'S NOT THAT HARD. NO GROUP CHATS. 
          i love you, nyachan.


aight ok... so apparently on tumblr there's this user that people dunno if he's kinning or if he's actually tommyinnit. He talks like him but still people are of course skeptical. AnywAYs, yesterday when somebody asked 'Youtooz?' he said 'Tommorow' which would mean today. Now i know british time and us time might be a bit mixed but still... if something about his youtooz pops up today im... im gonna really believe this is tommy. If no youtooz news? Im gonna call him a kinnie...even tho i sTILL DONT FULLY KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS SOMEONE HELP ME WITH THIS-