
I'm back from the dead! No but in all seriousness I'm sorry I've been sparse on updating Enamoured this past year. Very long story short I had an awful February 2023 and it's lead to the realisation that I have ME/CFS which I have now been referred to a clinic for. It's a long waiting list and my fatigue and other symptoms has meant I spend a lot of my time now unable to do a lot. 
          	That being said I am still working on this story! I've always said I would never abandon this fic and I mean it! I've had the entire plot of this series planned out since around halfway through Infatuated and although it is subject to change it does mean I am always going to have the motivation to finish it!
          	Thank you everyone who is still around for sticking by me through this drought <3


@ Poisonally24603492  Hi!  I'm re-reading Infatuatet with a God and discovered this message from you.  I wish you all the best for your health!  I really love your story and look forward to every update, even if it takes longer!


I'm back from the dead! No but in all seriousness I'm sorry I've been sparse on updating Enamoured this past year. Very long story short I had an awful February 2023 and it's lead to the realisation that I have ME/CFS which I have now been referred to a clinic for. It's a long waiting list and my fatigue and other symptoms has meant I spend a lot of my time now unable to do a lot. 
          That being said I am still working on this story! I've always said I would never abandon this fic and I mean it! I've had the entire plot of this series planned out since around halfway through Infatuated and although it is subject to change it does mean I am always going to have the motivation to finish it!
          Thank you everyone who is still around for sticking by me through this drought <3


@ Poisonally24603492  Hi!  I'm re-reading Infatuatet with a God and discovered this message from you.  I wish you all the best for your health!  I really love your story and look forward to every update, even if it takes longer!


Hi guys some things of note!
          1) I moved the timeline of this up so it may seem like a sudden jump in the story (or if it doesn't now it may in the future). Originally Loki was going to search in Kaya's birthplace and stumble upon backstory. These were reworked chapters from a deleted arc in Infatuated and I am still hoping to rework this little arc for later in the story. However if it still doesn't feel like it fits I might post it over on AO3 with my random notes and deleted chapters (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33433645).
          2) I am so sorry that I've not kept the weekly schedule from Infatuated. At first I was having some mental health issues back in February that I'm only now really recovering from. However, I am also getting married! It got very busy suddenly and it's stressful planning a wedding. This also means I'm unlikely to update much in August as I will be on my honeymoon! I plan to be a lot more active from September onwards. This doesn't mean I defo might not update it just isn't expected.
          Thank you for the people still reading. You fuel my ability to right this story with every comment, kudos/like, and interaction. Love to you all and have a good summer <3


The next chapter is going to be pretty long but I can't split it without it being split weirdly. 
          So either I'm sorry or you're welcome!


@Bittersweet_Nerd I'm so glad you are enjoying it!!! <3


~Just came across your Loki story and I am a huge fan of your writing and story telling! Absolutely enjoying it!~


this message may be offensive
Hi guys!!
          I am alive and my work hasn't been discontinued. Life just been a bit shit for a fair few weeks so I needed to take a break for my mental health. Hopefully will be back soon xx


I will always wait for my favourite fic ❤️ hope you’re good ☺️ 


@ Poisonally24603492  I wish you all the best! I look forward to the next part, but you should take all the time you need 


I hope you guys liked the end of Infatuated. I hope to be able to get Enamoured up around March/April


@Poisonally24603492 also good luck with your PhD


@Poisonally24603492 the ending left me with so much anticipation for the 2nd installment, can't wait!