
This is really random but if your bored and you want to expand your music taste or just try something new try searching my mix and then messing with the upload date settings.
          	It's so interesting to listen to other people's mixes.


This is really random but if your bored and you want to expand your music taste or just try something new try searching my mix and then messing with the upload date settings.
          It's so interesting to listen to other people's mixes.


          I made a shitty song. It's really cringe.


@Anon-Compatriot Ya sorry. I didn't want to keep it up. It was very bad. I might try again though.


@PoliticalSquid You removed it already :(


Watching Jreg has changed me. I used to be a social democrat but now I'm watching Marxist youtubers and I recently bought (by bought I mean do chores in exchange for my dad placing an online order) all 3 volumes of Marx's Capital.
          Why TwT
          Why did I start watching Jreg.


Update on the noise. Turns out they're fireworks not gunshots. But it's a flipping school night omg why can't these people go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!!


@PoliticalSquid I wish I could do that but I have sensory issues. I've tried to drown out the sound with MCR but it just makes it worse.


Someone is shooting a gun in my neighborhood and I'm really shared cause it's so close. My dad won't even let me put my bullets next to my shotgun just in case. I wasn't even asking to load it. TwT. 
          As you can probably tell, I live in the U.S.
          I also have Bang stuck in my head so that's great.