
Hello friends-- I have a bit of sad news.
          	I will have to pause my writing on Red Ink indefinitely. Some big life changes are taking place for me, and I don't currently have the capacity / ability to continue with weekly updates. I am not sure if / when I will be able to pick it back up.
          	I understand that this is likely upsetting, and it breaks my heart, but life gets complicated sometimes and things we love are forced to the wayside. Know that I have adored writing for you all, and I hope I will be able to continue again at some point, but for now, this is unfortunately what has to happen.
          	Thank you for all of your support, it has meant the absolute world to me. I will never forget how kind and understanding you all have been. I hope I can continue writing for you all at some point in the future, but until then, stay safe out there. Continue being nice to people, especially with how scary the world is right now.


@PollyPenName Things happen, make sure to look after yourself, always put your mental health first, I wish you all the best with everything you're going through, just remember that we're rooting for you and we're here for you 100%. I hope all goes well for you, you're an amazing person Polly, and you deserve the best.


@PollyPenName  you are so, soooo inspiring, Polly! I am I glad I got to read the tinker! I’m gonna go on to read everything you ever write. I’ve tried writing, and I genuinely suck at it. I like art though, and you make me want to continue with my art. You’re the best Polly! I care about you even if we’ve never met in person! Take care! 
          	  **ps: you seem like a really nice person.**


hey polly!!
          we love you so much, and miss you more than words can express. i have had to resort to mha asmr to satiate my need for it (ill drop the channel if anyone wants it). your books have mare me a better writer, and have given me new perspectives on relationships entirely. i know your books arent super accurate to real life, but the respect and love written into the characters have made me raise my standards. so i thank you for that! i cant wait for the day you come back, the rats are hungry!
          your pookie bear


@slayqween42069 I would love the channel lmao