
I'm getting back into undertale, so if anyone wants to rp undertale scenarios I'd be interested :] 
          	I've been looking back at my old AUs and have been rewriting them, so if anyone's interested in them then I have a discord server where we could bounce ideas back and forth (tho I don't get discord notifications bc I'm barely on there lol) 
          	Just text me your discord name in pm so I can friend y'all and invite ya :]


I'm getting back into undertale, so if anyone wants to rp undertale scenarios I'd be interested :] 
          I've been looking back at my old AUs and have been rewriting them, so if anyone's interested in them then I have a discord server where we could bounce ideas back and forth (tho I don't get discord notifications bc I'm barely on there lol) 
          Just text me your discord name in pm so I can friend y'all and invite ya :]


TW; talk about the invasion of Palestine and how tt is responding, my frustrations with the hate speech directed at Palestinians, and the horror stories that have come from Palestine 
          I genuinely don't believe Israelis on tt that are BOASTING about having clean air, food, water, electricity, and hospital access. It's disgusting. There are trends on tt where Israelis will pretend to be dy!ng children and their mothers to mock the Palestinian people. I'm just so shocked. I'm so shocked that people will defend them on tt, using their Islam0ph0bia and hate of the Middle East to justify their support of a g€nocide. It's so easy to have human f#cking decency and to not be a Zi0nist; but some Jewish and non Jewish creators take Israel's side despite them using WHITE PHOSPHORUS ON CIVILIANS AND HOSPITALS???????? What Israel is doing is against the Geneva code and is a WAR CRIME. They are targeting hospitals bc "H@mas are using them" when in actuality it is CHILDREN, WOMEN, and the ELDERLY that have been harmed by the bombs. tt has been both good and bad for the cause, Palestinians have uploaded the most heartbreaking news, but the Israeli government uses their tt to spread as much misinformation as possible to confuse everyone. It is so easy to see what side to be on when you've seen the videos of fathers, mothers, and children suffering because of an invasion. 
          If you don't support Palestine, then unfollow me. I will forever support Palestine and their fight to escape the labor/interment camps they grew up in. 


You are not alone in feeling this way. Thank you for showing your support and humanity. 


I will try to respond the best I can for the next few weeks bc my family and I are packing bc my landlord evicted us. We have a place to stay but it is an hour away from where I am currently and I don't know anyone there so far. Thankfully I'll be able to transfer from my job to the local one over there, so I won't be looking for a job to add to it. I don't know what to feel or if anything is real rn, so I'm thankful for the ppl I rp with and talk with for being a semi constant in this time. I will respond when I can, but it will be extremely limited since I am packing and moving things into an old family home


My grandfather has died today, so I will not respond to roleplays or friends for a while. I just need a little bit to process what happened and how I feel. I'll respond when I can I just don't feel mentally well right now 


@PoorthingIam of course! <3 take the time you need and I hope you have a good night as well <333


@blue11086  thank you so much man, it REALLY means a lot to me, I hope you have a good night and I'll respond tomorrow^^


@PoorthingIam I'm so sorry for your loss, take all the time you need, I know grieving is difficult <3 sending lots of good vibes